Friday, November 30, 2001

Update: My theme song =^D (Yes as in mine personally; stop that snickering!) *Major neo-Robot going on* (I do a swell Robot, btw. Can also out-Twist anybody I know ;^D )

Don't fret so, you can turn it off by clicking the stop button... Although I may embed it *fit of evil laughter*

Color: imperial purple
Sound: air-horns against a snare drum loop
Thought: ain't gonna blast you, on the radio...
Object: spangles (sequins)
Action/Feeling: flying. Dervishism.
Wish: Lunch lunch lunch! I'M STARVING *Dies* X_x
A listy to help things get started: "What's Going on Right This Second".

color: sky blue
sound: A Thousand Years--Sting
thought: A million doors to eternity...
object: deep water
action/feeling: submerged. Cold.
wish: I am stretched on your grave, and could lie here forever...

One of those subjective, first-thing-that-comes-to-mind bits of nonsense.

Apparently I left a better impression on the posse than I'd thought. An almost-invite to Utopia: makes you wonder, doesn't it? What could have happened...

Why a splinter faction? Why my little..."group"?

I don't know, really. I suppose because I'm willing to do two things: to trust, and to forgive--or at least negotiate. Never ever underestimate the power of negotiation. And if that makes me naive: however naive it may be, it seems to be working. There we go, the real answer: it works for me, and most everybody else seems happy with it.

And before you sigh and say, "what a loss, what potential", think long and hard about this: would you really want me as an equal?

Once it all becomes clear, things will go over better. There is as much difference between me and the Harry-Potter-hating Bible-thumper down the block as there is between, say, a rocket-launcher and a Roman candle.

I did ask a devoutly religious fella what he thought about RPG'ing and such. His answer:

"What is that really? 'Play pretend'? Good grief! God isn't gonna send anybody to Hell for a game of 'play pretend'."

'Nuff said. ;^p

In other news: I am hungry. I mean I am ready to bite my own ankles off. There is no coffee, and my parents have wandered off to who-knows-where to do who-knows-what. In short, physical misery.

~*Stomach Grumbles*, Jheti

Thursday, November 29, 2001

Arrrrrrrrrgh! *Tears out hair* where have you gone? Hehehehehe...been 24 hours and I am going mad. D*mn you EvilZug! Where, tell me where, is our anthem?! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!?

Your site is down *pout pout*. BRING IT BACK! BRING IT BACK! *Weeps*
Hewwo :^)

Two more companions of mine now play Neopets. And I didn't refer them, either ;^P So things be purple and sparkly there.

What is purple and sparkly? 'Tis the best state of existence there is! *Slam-dances*

I would so utterly KILL to have a Faerie paintbrush...

That is all, for the moment. Funny how when I'm happy, I don't have much to say... Ah, well.

Peace and Still More Peace, Jheti

Wednesday, November 28, 2001

Tell me why, why am I doing this? Is it really because I've nothing better to do, which is what I tell myself most of the time? Am I bored? Am I a masochist? Does anybody care? Spirits say: all three of those answers are no.

Dissertation relayed to me by my own brain, regarding the mutants and the Nomads in particular:

"Humans hate us because they hate the moon. They have driven a wedge between the sun-self and the moon-self. The moon, to them, is a fearful thing--the hidden face of shadows and whispers and cold. Yet the moon is also protection, time, and inevitability. Moon-self, mountain-self: these are predominantly female. Softer and more elusive than the straightforward fury of the sun. It is of note, particularly to the bone-shamans, that there are many cultures among ancient humans who worshipped the sun, and only a handful, if any, that worshipped the moon..."

Just a small thought to keep the day rollin'...

Why do I do what I do? Because movement, any movement, is better than sitting still and dying out...


Hehe, actually my favorite Christmas song is "O Night Divine". The descant, as properly sung by a whole slew of sopranos and tenors, is completely unearthly in its beauty. Religious considerations aside, it's a helluva song. Seriously. Pick up an instrumental somewhere and see if it isn't true. ;^P

Peace and Something, Anything Other Than Mistletoe (Gah! Poisonous!), ~Jheti

Monday, November 26, 2001

Have I mentioned that I hate being interrupted? I mean I really really hate it. Nine-tenths of the trains of thought I have vaporize because something distracts me before I can elucidate on them.

Which usually is a good thing, as far as most of the Collective is concerned. ;^P Said it before and I'll say it again: normal is not something to aspire to. It is something to get away from.

Anyway--went to bookstore, absorbed coffee, devoured house-music, perused analyses of Tolkein's work. I've heretofore ignored Tolkein, outside of "The Hobbit"; it was too friggin' stale to me. Recently though, because the movie looks gorgeous and I've always been intrigued by Gandalf the Grey as a character, I've gone ahead and gotten into it :^)

I love his Elves but they suck :^D No really, read ElfQuest and know the truth: Tolkein's Elves utterly suck by comparison.

Or perhaps this is because in secret I have merged certain archetypes in my brain and believe all elves to be more human than humans themselves, whereas Tolkein's Elves exist largely to remind humans what sorry asses they are...

Oh no more about Jheti today, if indeed ever ;^) (I can HEAR the sigh of relief ;^) ).

Anyhow, Mr. Hobbiton and Co. : the movie might be worth it. Might be. I mean Elijah Wood as Frodo, that was a stroke of if not genius then at least smartness on their part. Whoever they are. The corporate army that handles what's left of Middle Earth--the man is turning over in his grave...

Or else waiting for Robert Jordan to discover the secret hiding place of the One Ring ;^)

Peace and Elvish, Jheti
OK, dinner last night was catered food at an associate's waaay out in Flagler Beach. In day-after-Thanksgiving-weekend traffic. Parental units were keyed. I mean they were STRESSED by the whole situation. Could've played a violin concerto on their nerves (assuming you can play the violin, which I can't, and that furthermore you're willing to put up with the mess ;^) It was just one of those random, nauseating thoughts I have sometimes).

Dreams were bizarre; MK taking a back-seat for a change (which is always a relief, but always disappointing.)

Jheti--her actual use as a character--has outlived itself. She died with the death of Edenia, is a good way of putting it. OK fine, she didn't die (I HATE dramatic death scenes featuring self-styled characters, because inevitably you bring them back from the dead...) but her point in MK disappears after that.

Sunday, November 25, 2001

Hello out there from NowhereLand...

Some things are happening and what-all, more nonsense later as I sort it out. Blah blah blah blah.

As the Man says: It means : Jerk. So stop f*ckin' asking me, OK? Buh-bye.