Regularly Scheduled
Jheti, or Someone Like Her
Spaghetti for dinner again today--we're polishing off the package.
I just ate a roast-pork sandwhich with maple syrup and Border Sauce (y'know, it comes in packets from Taco Bell). It was bizarre. Yet tasty. The effect was rather like spicy sweet-and-sour sauce.
Whee! Someone has a journal, and someone else updated! Friends are active = happy Jheti.
I could sound better, but that would require effort, and I'm averse to effort.
Oooooh, so that's Deadman Switch by Tim Zahn. *Want WANT pine want*. Sounds great. :^D
Hmm...I've become obsessed with my Matrix Reloaded cup. The one I got at the theatre when we went and saw the film. (Actually, I have two of them, but the other one's in my room next to my badass Kitana figurine *all hail Jaz! all hail Jaz!*, and it's full of pencils and things.)
I hate drinking water because I'm phobic of the little thingies--dust and whatnot--that collect in the bottom of cups that been in the cabinet for too long/been improperly washed. And water's clear, so you can see them. Or, in my case, imagine their presence. I'm slightly compulsive about real and/or imagined icky things lurking in my water. I even hate ice, because it makes those little flaky things in the water when it melts and I--can't--STAND--that. It is SO gross. *Is grossed out just thinking about it.* >_<
But I don't have that problem with my Matrix Reloaded cup. It just doesn't get icky for some reason. It, like, repels ickiness.
I have a cup that repels ickiness. I rule ^_^
Related thought: I hate. HATE. Getting raw food on my hands. This morning's scenario was typical:
Me: *making eggs and wincing*
Stepdad: What?
Me: Nothing *wince wince wince*.
Stepdad: What is it?
Me: *tears the pan off the burner, flips the eggs onto a plate, and runs for the sink*
Stepdad (getting worried): You okay?
Me: *Washes hands frantically, wash WASH wash SCRUB wash*
GOD Eeeeewwwww!
*Sigh* Yeah. I'm fine.
That's like this afternoon, Mileena was narrating to me, and she goes "I was up to my elbows in blood."
And I'm like "Excuse you? YUCK!"
Her, defensively: "Well, I was. And the trouble with that is, it makes everything slippery, so the whole time I'm trying to lock hands with my opponent--and simultaneously not be tossed off the balcony, because being tossed off the balcony would be BAD--I keep losing purchase. My hands just slide loose in the gore. *With vindictive relish* It's like dark grease, slick and fetid, and it makes long flaking spirals up my arms as it dries..."
"I am SO not hearing this! I'm not hearing this I'm not hearing this I'M NOT HEARING THIS!"
"Just like you didn't hear us mating upstairs?" *SMIRK* "You sound more like Brin every day."
At which Brin pipes up, "Take that back!" And they go another round.
Drafting ahead for the necessary scenes in Part Four. Lotsa fighting in that one, if it all goes according to plan. Good times ^_^
I do find it ironic that everybody who liked Shaken has an apparent reluctance regarding Shadows. Trenay in particular struck me as seeming like "Oooh, neato--but I'm not touching that other one!" (Of course, if that's not the case, I humbly submit myself for a butt-kicking right now ^^;)
What's up with that? Are you guys just scared of the R rating, or what?
Or is it the "human Mileena" thing again?
Just FYI, I've nothing against human Mileena--except that she's not a mutant. *Shrug*. I've seen good ones and bad ones and all sorts in between. Although, technically my favorite human Mileena is not, in fact, human at all.
My point being: a lot of people are turned off by mutant Mileena. Nevermind that she and Baraka are the single most awesome couple in any fandom, anywhere. *^_^* The sad fact is, it just isn't enough for some people. No, she has to be beautiful on top of all her additional awesomeness, or she just isn't cool enough. Oh, well.
Then again, not many people subscribe to my belief that Baraka is, if not a closet genius, then perhaps a closet Renaissance man. *Nods*. Tactician, strategist, philosopher, music critic, aspiring poet, and sometime painter.
Yes, he did a painting of Mileena. No, you can't see it ^_~ Or maybe you can. Depends on what they'll "let" me do. They can "be" very tempermental, see. And I can't draw/paint/whatever. So I'm stuck with describing it.
MILEENA: I'm not sure innocent passerby should "see" that. *BIG GRINS*.
Hush, you. it's not a dirty--err, not an incredibly dirty--painting...
BARAKA: Mercy's last angel, a thing of burning eyes and wild hair and bloodstained, thoroughly naked purity. *Smile.* I was going through a--neoclassical?--period when I did that. Notice the wings.
ME: Silver and iron with myriad cutting edges, held together with barbed wire. Cool. Or terrifying. Or both.
MILEENA/BARAKA: Both is good. *^_^*
They'll never change. I'm sort of counting on that.
The follow-up to Shaken is 1,028 words into development. I may lop the conversation out of the middle and get straight to the part where the couple run into each other--which will, obviously get the story moving faster, and bypass the extraneous drama. It's supposed to mainly focus on the two of them, though Mileena keeps sidelining it into self-angst. I may let her do that and see where it takes the ficlet.
If I had a fic wishlist, it would read like this:
1) Mileena/Baraka fluff.
2) More Mileena/Baraka fluff.
3) Extra Mileena/Baraka fluff.
4) And for dessert--Mileena/Baraka fluff.
Of course, since I'm the only human being on the planet that actually WANTS to see it, I'm stuck writing it all, all by myself *pouts*.
Which goes double for Kitana/Mileena--and I'm not talking as a ship, I just mean little pointless nice interludes where they're all cute and cuddly-ish instead of tearing each other's throats out all the time.
And if by some miracle I COULD get anything shipping them, well, I wouldn't complain >^D
Anyway, I adore fluff. Fluff R l33t.
I can't remember what I came here to say originally, so good night :^)