Saturday, August 10, 2002

The Long and Short Of It

Posting and Running

Let's see: what's new?

People sent me e-mail ^_^ I like e-mail, whee! Pre-emptively ditched Buffy in favor of spaghetti dinner with friends of the family. It was fun enough I suppose. They've got a swimming pool that runs on--get this!--a salt system. It was weird--not as bouyant as regular sea-water and it utterly didn't smell like chlorine. Utterly bizarre. But hey, it was a chance to swim. I ain't complaining ^_^

Uhh, also: Stabbing Westward :^D They're swell. Metal metal metal METAL! *Bounce bounce bounce* >^D

I *heart* The Thing I Hate. It's fantastic. ^_^

Nope, ran out of steam. Nothing else to say, except that I can't get my Super Nintendo emulator to work properly *cries*.

Online test results:

probability that jheti has masturbated today:52%
jheti's lucky number is:21
jheti is most like the color #108f19:
by James

How exactly did I get to be a green hex-value? O_o

Oh, well.

Wednesday, August 07, 2002

Any Other Name

How Does My Garden Grow?

Yaaaay pretty pretty pretty! ^_^ And my favorite kind too! ^_^

No, I didn't cheat, so there! =^P

Lookit, look:

what's your inner flower?

[c] s u g a r d
e w

Sometimes I feel the overwhelming urge to wax cutesy. What's the deal? Normally I don't do cutesy.

Still having tension-dreams. And Mileena's not in the new monstrosity, let's just be honest with ourselves and call it MK5 since that's what it is.

After all that f*cking WAITING, a tournament without 'Leena. I feel so--so...

So BETRAYED *Sob Cry Sniffle.*

Oh: FINALLY watched Buffy. "Helpless" was on last night. Verdict?

It's pretty good. I don't understand most of what's going on, but it's pretty good. The bits that were witty were very witty, and the bits that were spooky were good and spooky. The whole "Xander unwillingly hangs out with zombie thugs" thing started to get a little old, but it's tolerable for the length of a television show. I liked Buffy and Angel yelling at each other over their mutual multiple deaths--they sound a bit like a couple I "know" ;^D Overall, I'd watch it again ^_^ Need time to warm up to it, though.

And whilst we're on that thought, let's clear something up: my name does NOT come from Buffy. Seriously. Ages ago in a world before Buffy (sometime in '91) I came up with this character for the Teen Wolf universe, and they called her "Slayer". That's where it comes from. Not that it has anything to do with anything.

Except, of course, for the eternal rant about how I greatly prefer werewolves over vampires...

*Forces the rantbox shut and sits on the lid* Never mind ^^;

Ever just want to drown out the world? Try Push It by Static-X...It obliterates everything in insistent, abrasive guitar chords of death. I'm just saying.

Uhh, bye then :^)

Now Playing: "Needle Damage(That Zipper Track)"

Tuesday, August 06, 2002

Holy Smokes, Batman!

Not This Time, I Won't

Web test result:

Take the What Type of Friend are
quiz, and visit

True, yet deceptive. Read: when I say I don't want part of something, I mean it, and nothing budges me. It's the "expect a marshmallow and wind up hitting a brick wall" reaction I give off that shocks so many. In general: I'll stick by you, but don't push, or I'll pull a Nightwing on your ass ;^P

Anyhow bye for now ;^)

It Couldn't Be Too Soon

Publicity Tour Edition

They wanna try and build me up
So they can tear me down. . .
They've taken everything that I have to give and
They say it's over but man I'm still here livin'
I don't know what to do
I think that maybe I'm in
Over my head

--Lit, "Over My Head"

Love that song, especially the tune ^_^ *Air guitar* Reminds me of the great Hair Bands of my youth.

Hair Bands, of course, being the likes of Van Halen, Poison, Heart, The Scorpions,Twisted Sister, and so forth. (How's that for a scary link-fest? ;^D)

He's got nothing to do with Hair Bands but I love him anyway. Elrond was always my favorite character, and Hugo Weaving's been an on again off again secret source of attraction since "The Matrix". Go Agent Smith ^_^ Living battery? Baby, I'll be your powerhouse >^D

Did I tell you? Headbands are back in. Like big Flashdance-style things across the forehead. Haven't seen those since I was a wee thing. I ran out and got me one last week, 'tis rainbow-colored. Was greatly pleased. Also found these awesome leggings in the pile of stuff Sherry gave me. Now all I need are some ankle warmers and a nice big perm ;^D

The Care Bears were recently re-introduced to the toy market in slightly modified form, and Image Entertainment bought comic book rights to both He-Man and Thundercats. *Bouncing off the walls* W00T! =^D

FEEL the power of the '80s! An epoch wherin Sally Ride was the first woman in space, an actor was president, Michael Jackson was king, and the corporate world was an Enron waiting to happen. Whee! Hahahahahahahahahaha! Born At The Right Time ^_^

I'm walking on sunshine, whoa
It's time to feel good!

--If you don't know where that's from, then I can't explain it to you ;^D

Later peeps, off to work on fic, e-mails, and nauseating people by running around hugging and snuggling them ;^D

Now Playing: Alien Factory, "Get The Future Started"