The Attention-Getting Header
And The Accompanying Witty Subheader
Sherry gave me CLOTHES! ^_^
Oooh, wait, back up back up back up...
Instead of working for Corporate America (feel that, Subway! >=^P) I'm tutoring a boy. Teaching him to read and whatnot. It's great fun. Hella exhausting, but great fun. He's kinetic energy personified. Read: he's HYPER. If I didn't have A.D.H.D. myself, I don't think I'd be able to keep up with him. Sometimes I want to put glue on his chair, just so he'll stay there for a few minutes. ^_~ He's a darling, though. SMART too--he catches on fast, and he's constantly trying to see if he can pull one over on me. I'll go, "What's this word?" (when he knows perfectly well what it is, 'cause I just made him spell it and say it back to me) and he'll be like, "Oh gee I dunno...gimme hint?" to see if I'll tell him, which I won't. He's a shrewd little thing and a swell mimic.
Uhh, anyhow...*going back to her original point* Sherry is his mum. And she gave me clothes! *Dances about*
Yeah, they're secondhand.
I normally BUY secondhand, Thankyouverymuch.
STOP looking at me like that, I'm not made of money you know >=^P
Whee! Niceness on the part of my employer! *Overjoyed* ^_^
*Looks down at last entry* "I'm thinking Wednesday..."
Yes, I got some work done on Wednesday, no, it wasn't on the formatting, and no, it's still not ready for peekaboos yet ^_~ Getting there, though.
POEMS ^_^ Wrote four of them ^_^ They're all still in the sh*tty stages, tho' (le` sigh. Oooh, sorry, didn't mean to steal your expression ^^; You know who you are ;^D *Waves* Howdy pardner :^D)
But still: I came unstuck! I came unstuck! Woo-hoo! *BOING!*
Oh, Shock of the Day: Brin actually rises to Leena's defense! I mean really. If I were the "competition", I'd have let the others splatter 'Leena, main character or no main character. Saint Brin, the Other Woman O_o Be glad you don't have mutants dancing about in your skull: they can be beyond weird. Although after exposure to my corruptive influence, anything can happen >^D
There are ways to ward them off, though, if you don't wish to be menaced: they hate tabbouleh. And Laurence Welk records. DON'T ask >^D
Oh, Nyohah, if you're reading this: what's in your WinAmp? *Is intrigued*. You probably have all sorts of nifty stuff. Got any Mozart? Seriously, there's this one Beethoven song that I love, and utterly don't know what it's called or where to find it *is helpless and lost*. Being that you're knowledgeable in that field, I'm hoping you could help me out. Please? I'll trade you for...*ponders intensely*...I've got some Wallflowers you might like ("One Headlight", etc.) or Billy Joel? *Is hopeful*.
To the gal with the new layout: it sure, LoL. I really really like the new headings. And I see yer old font is back ^_^ Hope Alita likes what you've got planned :^D
Uh yeah, enough with the warm-and-fuzzy I-love-my-friends posts already ^_~ Huh. Guess I really do cause nausea after a while, RoFL >^D
I swear, someday I shall return to the angst and suffering and pathetic quasi-political psuedo-philosophical maunderings I originally started with.
Someday. But today is not that day! ^_^
Y'all are swell ^_^