When The Ashes Are Gone
Uhh, okay. Do y'think my element's fire? ^_-
Which Element are you?
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Find Your Element
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The Element Test
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What element should you be?
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Which Element Are You?
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What basic element are you?
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What's your element
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What is your elemental profession?
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Which element of slayer would you be?
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Which Elemental Goddess Are You?
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What elemental faerie are you?
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It's not my fault...lately I'm obsessed with reds, oranges, yellows--sun colors. Dunno why. Most of the clothes in my wardrobe are black or some shade of khaki (nah, I'm not a military child ;^p). It's weird--I'm being drawn to warm colors, warm things. And candles. I always had all these candles and never lit them. Now, I sit down and burn them five at a time.
Maybe it's just because I don't require adult supervision anymore?
And the abberant results:
What Element are You?
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what element are you?
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What Element Are You?
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Which element are you?
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Which Elemental Faery Are You?
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Anyway, it's my birthday. Happy b-day to me. So I'm 20. Big friggin' deal.
Nope, not going out dancing.
Nope, not going out to dinner.
Nope, not one slice of cake anywhere in the house.
I should be dead, then at least they'd give a wake and there'd be alcohol and singing, LoL :^P
I f*cking hate being broke. I guess it's just part of growing up.
I f*cking hate being stressed. I hate it hate it hate it.
I hate it when my parents fight. Hate hate HATE loathe despise.
I thought about being self-destructive yesterday--I really thought about it. I actually went and got a steaknife and presented wrist. But I can't do it. Everybody else is doing it already. No offense. I just can't fall in step. I've never fallen in step.
Bring the sound to the people in a white truck
Bumpin' on the road bumps
Run into a tree stump
Tweeter out the back door
Slam into the dirt lot, stopped
With the cable runnin' out the backside
Disco naked
*Slam dances*
Anyway, I don't want to get addicted to chopping myself up. And the only way to get addicted is to start. So I won't.
Oh, and do me a favor, guys, and don't tell anyone? Nobody knows, not even Tench and I tell him more than I tell my parents. If I told them half of anything I do, they'd just make me stop. And then I'd have no life whatsoever. Like I have much of one now.
And if you had the chance
You wouldn't even stop denying,
Go talk to Anna Hand.
Go start the multiplyin'
It's not all bad, I guess...
I know, I know, I know. I should be happy. I should be grateful. I should be overjoyed that I've lived through another grinding year on this disgusting primitive mudball. I SHOULD be a lot of things >^F
But you're never gonna come back down
Hell. It's not my parents' fault that there's no money. It's someone else's fault altogether. I could name names if I wanted to...
*Flips the Magic Finger in the general direction of Italy instead.*
And here's one for your wife. *Flip flip FLIP* I can do it in Italian, too, see? *Illustrates* I can even say "sh*thead" in Japanese. *Smiles beatifically*. Ahh, the benefits of a military education. I'm so cultured, LoL.
And back to the original thought: I wish I had more red things. Or cranberry/burgundy. That red-purple color. Like my ideal room would be bathed in that color. AND red. And orange. I'd have a dark burgundy bedspread and orange pillowcases. Yes, I realize how bizarre that sounds.
Being twenty is weird. And scary. And kinda fun, despite the lackage of fanfare. I'm in one of those weird, happily destructive moods. I might go burn something. Fire GOOD, hehehehehehe >^D
This is the kind of mood people blame on all those shooter games I don't play. I might start, though. I feel restless enough.
I may just go and write some hyperviolent fic. The scene everybody keeps pestering me for--the reunion between our lovers from Hell--actually has three different versions: the really gory one, the really explicit one, and the pallid, pathetic, overcensored one that's probably going to end up on FF.Net.
I will, however, provide the other two versions on request ;^D
Blonde English girls with ghetto names, you know what I'm sayin'?
I want some steak. And I can't afford any. Hmmph.
I do have Cheesy-Dogz in the fridge, I guess I'll have some of those. *Sigh*.
Later, peepz. Oh, and btw, my Spew Yearz resolution's to spend more time in the guise of Elrond of Moria. 'Cause the Drow are SO much cooler than their sissypants High Elf cousins ^_^
Bye then.