Friday, May 23, 2003



Mixed feelings.

Really happy, on the surface. Pumped up, on the surface.

Yeah, let's talk about the surface.

Hell no. I don't feel like it. Put on a happy face? Put on THIS. *FLIP*

The truth is I'm nervous and annoyed and tired and oh yes, ill too.

And pleased. And smug. And happy. And mostly-better.

And I made Jaz laugh. *^_^*

See? Told you I was feeling mixed-up.

She's right about grapefruit, though.

"I guess it's like beer, people drink it so much, eventually they like it, even if it is vile."

Actaully, that's pretty much how I feel about life. You learn to, well, live with it.

(Wow, Jheti, you astound us with your--astounding--mental acuity...Jesus! She just did it again!)

Apparently, I'm also feeling rather self-critical. Now there's a shocker.

Really excited to discover that PSP 7 apparently has an image slicing utility, that'll definitely expidite my feindish plots for world takeover...err. You weren't supposed to hear that. Now you shall all DIE...

Err, you weren't supposed to hear that, either ^^;

Simply put: I've learned quite a few things since my last redesign, and the site needs a new look, and I have about four to six Utena shrines that need placing, plus things that I intend to have take on the function of the old Arena, which will cease to exist as it was once known...

And you're still here, reading patiently, waiting for me to get to the point.

I haven't one, gentle reader. You should know better than to expect things as mundane and fundamental as "points" from me. ;^p

Xander in a Speedo.

*SINGS* I can't wait to see you, wrap my arms around you
Show you what I really, really wanna do


Although, compared to the Agents thing >^D Hey, I was out of it at the time...

Which is the closest you'll get to an apology. My blog, my content, my rules. *Smiles sweetly.*

Besides, you know you like reading over my shoulder, as it were.

That's the weird attraction to these things. Especially if you know the person. It's like, "I can't BELIEVE they said/did/thought x or y thing!" and then you read along to know how it turns out. Or "x or y thing is interesting..." or even "man I hope this person dies and leaves me a heap of money..."

That last one was mostly to check your vital signs, folks. Not that you could get anything from me, anyway--my "vast fortune" consists of six bucks and some change.

See you 'round; gotta go make some flailing pretenses at cooking dinner.

Wednesday, May 21, 2003

Nothin' Left To Say

Oh, Here You Are

Stream-of-consciousness. Lucky you people to see the mind of the Jheti.

See kids, this is why 80's vids are bad for you...

Might see Reloaded? Hope go see Reloaded.

Hope go see Hugo Weaving *RRRRRRRrrrRRRRRRR*.

Go see Mr. Weaving and his...amazingly...flexible...

Acting ability *^_~*

*Tears up her scratching post*

Not that I own a scratching post, but you get the picture.

MINE. Hands off >^D

Go sleep soon.

Ohhh sick. Not in a happy way. Vicious summer cold. Really hurting. Also developing cough. Could be from looking after mom, who has similar condition...

Must go now. Groceries. Sleep soon. Think I said that already.

Said what? Can't think straight.

Something about Agents...

Can do anything they want. Within the Matrix.

Not just to themselves, but to you.

Think about THAT next time you're slobbering over any other member of the cast.

Smith is...really versatile.

Not to mention he'd never get tired...

I think I'll shut up now.

Would he make it with someone? Y'know, like naked?

Or would the sunglasses and tie stay?

Agent with a self-control fetish?

No, now I'll really shut up, I promise >^D

*Waves at the screen* Nitenite screen.

Nitenite people. I love you people.

I'm on Nyquil. Lotsa Nyquil. You may never see me like this again.

PRAY for your sanity.

Oh, "many me".

That's a good one. That's a good word ;^}


Heh. Nitenite.

Tuesday, May 20, 2003



Got up early enough to watch the Utena AMV version of Evanescence's "Bring Me To Life" (again. Favorite of mine), check email, and explain to stepdad how certain cuss words go from noun to adjective phase with the addition of suffixes, as: "craptacular". He, in turn, coined "bitcherrific".

Courthouse proceedings were, um, dull. Apparently you can't get into any sort of BBS while using their system. Or any sort of journal--I decided not to test the limits of the data-exchange exclusions at that point. login worked, though.

After that my number was called. I got all the way up to the courtroom and was marched in--and back out--and back in, again, before they decided I was not one of the seven they needed.


After a minor phone card disaster--I swear, those things hate me. I have, like, evil phone card karma. There's a bad phone card spirit following me around or something--the nice lady in the office let me contact my parents using her phone.

Cue lots of Pokemon Blue on the GB Color (yeah, I actually still own one *GASP!*) while I waited outside. Finally got to Lavender Town; every single f*cking hiker on that route wanted a piece of me!

It's a gorgeous day, btw. Only half-clear and windy, the kind I can sit under the sun during. There's nothing like having the sun pounding down on the top of your head while clouds go scudding by and the trees sway and hiss in the wind. It was so pretty *^_^*

Oh, oh, stepdad's b-day, too. He's 29. (I keep needling him about being almost 30 >^D)

And he shares birthdays with Jimmy Stewart! :^D

Not that I expect you to know who he is. Whippersnaps and their DVD-laden, instant-replay infused, cellphone saturated existences. And yes, I include myself in that statement. Sheesh, touchy people. ;^p

Sitting here in my favorite shirt. I make this look good *wiggle WIGGLE bounce BOUNCE* ;^}

Ehh, gonna go take it off soon, anyway. Switch into regular stuff.

Watching black-and-white films, at present.

Well, for those of you not yet falling asleep,

I'm off to go get changed and compose email.

Postscript: according to a quizlet that I can't find again for the life of me, my DDR theme is "Boom Boom Dollar".

*Listens* Yep, sounds about right >^D