Thursday, February 13, 2003

Beautiful Day

In The Neighborhood

Went to a party last week. (Relaxed sitdown downtempo thing at Liz's house, she rules.)
Dazzled Saber, on whom I've had the nicest crush for the longest time. (Name's a tipoff to dancefans as to his real name, btw ;^) ) But he's involved just now. Heavily involved. They'll probably wind up married. Which is cute, albeit in a strange, timewarpish sort of way. I mean, he's a bit younger than I am O_o He's also scared to death of me, can't imagine why... I don't play that rough >^D

Actually, upon learning of his entanglement, I dropped him like the proverbial hot potato. I have no wish to incur the wrath of anyone strong enough to tame Saber, thanx. Plus it's just not polite; I was only playing. Anyway, he started it--hopped right up and got me a soda and presented it with some kind of flourish, like I was his Lady and it was a token. SMART man. (Tip, fellas: you want my attention? Fetch, carry, and call me Mistress >;^) ) Pity he's taken. But then my taste runs to older men, anyhow.

I made the rounds and impressed my associates with my new haircut. Everyone says "You're so mature!" upon seeing it. No, loves. I was always this mature. I made the haircut, not the other way 'round. Although it is funny to watch--men who never knew I existed are following me around with their tongues hanging out of their mouths. Women who never knew I existed are suddenly asking my opinions about, well, everything. They can't stop telling me what a "wonderful young woman" I've suddenly "become". They even want to know my political views.

*Bows* A-THANK-yuh, Great Clips. Thankyuh verry much. ;^P

Missed Ms. N's birthday by a mile ^^; yikes! No offense meant, hon. Hope those scans turned out alright :^)

More volunteer work, a walkabout or two, more whining about how badly I need employment, encoding Harry Potter DVD, suffering from Utena withdrawal, putting up with the mutants, and oh yes, did I mention Tenchi's got Stephen Hawking's Cambridge Lectures Vol. 1 audio version on repeat?

That's alright, I have Web of The Romulans, I'll get him back later. 200-plus pages of straight narration by Leonard Nimoy, mwa-hahahahahaha >^D

Hmm. I wonder if they've got the Han Solo Trilogy on audio...

Gotta bounce; I go for a walk in fifteen minutes and after that it's Nihongo practice...

See ya peeps! ^_^