Lesbian Robot Sports Nazis
From The Planet Mongo
And now that I have your attention, my weekend:
Got paid. I've already spent more than half of it. *Sigh*. At least I had fun ^_^
Bought: presents for mom, presents for Tenchi, new shirt for me, and dinner out (twice).
I need to get to a comic shop ASAP. But that'll bring on the "what do you
see in comics?" fight with mom ^^; Which is almost like the "Mortal Kombat" fight, except we don't have that one anymore. You know, the one that runs something along the lines of "all you ever do is sit in front of that machine"?
Oh, wait. We still have that fight. --Only now we have it about the Internet instead. AAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRHHHHGGGHHH! *Pounds head on desk*.
Fun fact: I'm losing my mind over a confrontation that hasn't even taken place yet.
It was back to the Matrix on Saturday, and its twin, Metropolis. Metropolis actually looks kinda like the Bronze, only it's one floor and the vibe is "the 80's VS. an art house". Really, it is. Cool as hell ^_^
Although isn't Hell supposed to be warm? ;^p
I'll show you how to win, and where I've been
--Crystal Waters "100% Pure Love" (90's dance classic =^D)
I actually got into a danceoff with one of the other customers. Seriously.
When we arrived, the floor was empty but for a lone black woman in a leopard-print tank. She was just kind of hanging out on the rightmost edge of the floor, swaying her hips and doing a few lazy, counter-time arm locks.
I start sidling toward the floor, taking stock of my surroundings (after all, it's really rude to dance right into someone, LoL ;^P) The song becomes a butchered club mix of "Get The Party Started". The floor is still empty except for the woman, so I bounce on down, right for the middle of the floor, and try out a few things.
She cuts her eyes at me. No lie, she locks gazes with me and very deliberately mimics my last gesture, adding it to her sequence. So I mimic her last arm-posture. And we're off and going for it. She ratchets up the speed--we're going faster than Pink can sing. One, two, three spins on my part, closing the distance as I break out the big guns, raving with all I've got, playing tag with the lights swirling across the floor. She mouths "damn", with a big smile. Both kind of winded, we dance apart and go back to doing our own thing.
Meanwhile, the dancefloor has basically filled with people. I suppose we attracted an audience ^_-
"You've got a lot of energy out there." --Two friends and one total stranger ^_^
I'm not kidding; you can't make this sh*t up.
*Sways to Paul Oakenfold*
Sit quite still and the swordfish come
Not too lonely no
Touch it then we'll go go go go
Take it alright
Get out of my life!
Get out of my life!
Alright (alright)
Get out of my life!
Get out of my life!
Alright (alright)
Nothing should be read into that btw ^^; I just love the way the guy shrieks it, all cool and calm and going jaggedly mad at the edges. It's nifty :^)
Scored the most beautiful Xander pic I think I've ever seen, thanks to Nyohah ^_^ He's adorable ^_^
*Bites him*. I'm not a vampire, I just like biting adorable things *goes to work on his ear*. >^D
Whee! Downloaded the Buffy the Vampire Slayer song. Tenchi will be thrilled :^) I also found the ENTIRE Buffy musical.
Oh, and a catchy little thing called "Teenage FBI", which is apparently off the TV soundtrack...
Now all I need is the musical from Daria (Episode #307) and I'll be all set :^D
And I had another of those dreams again. Of a certain race of persons with swords growing in their arms.
Of one of their wise-ones, Losaska. He is forced to hammer out the histories of his people into a book of lead, with brass fixtures. No, I don't know what it means. I do know that in a continuity of my own invention, writing down the old stories robs them of their power--their "magic", the thing which makes them sacred, is the speaking. They sicken and die when trapped upon the printed page.
Hence why most Nomads either can't read or can't write, or both ;^P It's a form of sacrilege.
Incidentally, Baraka, longtime against-the-grainer, was one of the first to adopt a modern approximation of their alphabet--their original written language, from their starfaring days. And yes, they had starfaring days. In my continuity, anyway. And in my continuity, my word is law. ^_-
< Mileena > *Scoff* Did you think we were monsters always? It was our ambition that destroyed us, and naught else. Put THAT in your Codex Historica and smoke it >^P
Uh, yeah, very good. Way to toe the party line, 'Leens. Wanna cookie?
< Mileena > Girl Scout cookies! With extra Girl Scout. *GRIN*
You're scaring the normals! Shoo! *Chases her off*.
Sprayed the house with pesticide Sunday. Whoo. That was the most fun EVER. Um, I'm through being sarcastic now ;^p
Monday has been spent cleaning--the dishes, the pantry, the laundry, the linens, the floors, the toilets, and most of the countertops and shelves.
I need a weekend away from my weekend, LoL ;^) Or just my dose of Buffy....NEED BUFFY.... X_X
See you, peeps, whenever I get a free minute ^_^ *Hugs everybody*
Oh wait, before I go:

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