Thursday, November 13, 2003

Wolverine Bathroom Humor

Killing Jokes

Here it comes
And everybody's talkin bout Jerusalem
Is this the beginning or beginning of the end?
Well I've got other thoughts, my friends

Lots of things happening in a short space of time.

We've got a place to live! WOO! *^_^*

It's only $35 more a month than the current rent, and it's so much nicer. For real. Much better designed. Slightly more square footage. A lovely two-story four bedroom. And they're putting in brand new carpet, new floor padding, and new linoleum in the kitchen this week, so it'll be super-nice when we get there. For real.

The kitchen in particular is wonderful. Larger than this one. It's actually got one of those little dining areas in it. Other people call that the breakfast nook, but we are not other people, no no. Breakfast is evil. We'll be eating dinner there instead.

It's got one of those radio-intercom things, though I doubt that works. It's laughably old. Kinda cute though, to have this big retro-looking panel sticking out of the wall.

See I got my eyes on the skies
The heavenly bodies of light

This is going to be so cool. Especially considering I thought we'd wind up homeless.

Don't be afraid at all
'Cause up in outer space
There's no gravity to fall

I downloaded another Utena Evanescence AMV by the crew that did "Roseate Nocturne (Bring Me To Life)". It was "Deluge (Going Under)".

I was, well, disappointed. They really underutilized Amy Lee's vocals on that one, and she hits some soaringly beautiful notes. Or maybe I just don't like the incest/murder Akio/Anthy thing. And they put the dancing in an odd spot. Didn't fit the instrumental bars at all; I would have used "Iiiiiiiiiii....diiiiiiiiiivvvvee....again, I'm going under!" for that. And really played up the violent arguments for "go on and scream/scream at me/So far, I'm so far away/I've got to breathe/I can't keep/Going under!" but that's just me.

They underplayed the violence. Pah. For Roseate, they didn't pull any punches, and this is a much more aggressive song, and the visuals haven't got any teeth. Pah, I say!

They did the sword going in and out clip from the movie that I love, though. There's so much context to that one. And Utena turns such a pretty shade of red ^_~

So umm, nowhere near as cool as Roseate Nocturne. But still nice.

Spent an afternoon at the bookstore. Devoured the first three volumes of Inu Yasha. That's manga, by the way. How is it?

Extremely light reading. (As evinced by the whole reading three volumes in three hours thing.) Take a schoolgirl and drop her in Warlord Era Japan courtesy of the Bone Eater's Well, and you have the whole plot. Demons, dogmen, a heap of casual splattery violence, shards of a mystic necklace, and a dash of partial nudity.

In short...just my sort of book >^D

And the perfect break from packing, paperwork (getting student loans isn't the easiest thing in the world, likewise managing stocks when you don't want other people to know that you're even looking at said stocks, and I don't care what other people say), and hideous writer's block on all fronts.

Site redesign is by far the least of my problems, at this point. I can have it up before Thanksgiving. I can have it up and finished sometime before Christmas. Maybe. The hell with it. *Shrug.*

Also, mom supposedly has watches laying around, and she was going to let me have one, and then we started packing. Now we're in that wonderful haze where none of us is sure where anything is. *Sigh.*

I could pull my hair out. Certainly more and more I'm feeling the urge to pull my hair out. Hey, I know what. I can develop that. That'd work for me. Burns smell way too bad, and they get infected. (Do not ask me how I know that; you shouldn't ask questions you don't want the answer to.) Cuts are too extreme. I have enough scars without making more.

I'll drink instead. Pretty shiny schnapps in the pretty shiny flask >^D

No, wait, that's packed in a box somewhere. Shit.

I am so looking forward to my birthday. For the usual reasons that come with being 21.

I've got thirteen pounds to lose between now and then. I have this dress that will slay them all, provided I can fit into it. ^^;

Ah well, I always lose weight when we move. Between all the heavy lifting and the running back and forth, it's perfect exercise.

Oh, and this week's header comes from a completely disgusting Toyfare skit.

Yes, the adult will-be collegiate still dies of laughter over urine jokes. Deal with it.

Peace and love, peeps ^_^