Friday, June 07, 2002

These Hands Are Small I Know...

They Are Never Broken

A healer? Now that is a surprise. Or not--mom was a surgical nurse and all. Hmm. Oh well. I guess as powers go, it's a nice one ^_^

Besides, it's Brin's. ;^D

(You'll never guess who I named her after. Spoiler-hint: he wrote The Postman. The book, not the Kevin Costner movie. The book is so much better than the film...although for the record, I liked the movie too. ;^p)



Healers are gentle people, gifted with the ability to heal others with the strength of their own minds. They can examine a person's body and aura, helping them to recover from injury or sickness. Healers never put themselves first, and can be generous to a fault.



is your Misfit Talent?

Thursday, June 06, 2002

Nothing Makes The Darkness Go

Like The Light

You Are A Changeling
Take the World of Darkness Quiz
by David J Rust

Okay, since I had trouble with the image showing up before, here's what the text says:

"You are a Changeling. Children of an earlier age who thrive on creativity and dreams, they falter and fade in the presence of banality. Yet they still live their lives of Fantasy Adventure and Courtly Love, railing against the Darkness of Mundane life."

My next-highest score was (big surprise) Werewolf.

My lowest? Vampire. (It was like a -2). *Covers ears against Dawn's groan of dismay*. Not everyone's Nosferatii can be as interesting as yours, you know. ;^P

And now Alita (more name-changes) joins Darien as a victim of spontaneous mean-spirited thievery. Why are there so many fukking thieves in this world? Why why why WHY damn it, why? Grrr. Times like this I wish I was a crime-fighter.

I would be Oracle ^_^ By concious choice, not weblog tests. =^P Oracle is all that remains of an older, wiser Barbara Gordon (once Batgirl.) She was shot in the spine during a crime-fighting stint and paralyzed from the waist down. She now makes her mark in the superhero universe by being a focal-point for information, most of which Batman uses to defeat his foes. As close as anyone can get to a semi-realistic information mage. Assuming I had a choice, I'd take on that role. That, or Wonder Woman, Lady of Themiscyra, demigoddess asskicker ^_~ One of the two.

Anyway, that's enough supplemental chatter for one day. Later, then :^)

Daes D'mar

The Game of Houses, Game of Games

That's R. Jordanian for "politics".

Let's make a very long story short. Dawn (of course I changed her name, I don't think she'd appreciate my blurting it out ;^P) once secured a position for me with one of her friends, Lana.

She and Lana had a major bottoming-out, but I kept the job--I had just gotten there and anyway, it didn't seem like a permanent thing. Besides, it'd be unfair to Dawn, given what she went through to get me put there in the first place. So I stayed.

Only now Lana made me an offer which, all of us can see, is basically prepping me to fill Dawn's place.

Which pisses me off. For a number of reasons. First of these being that I was only doing my job. Secondly, I will not be anyone else's leavings. And for another thing, I've the feelings of my friend to consider. Plus, there's feeling highly used.

Bad move, Lana. You've hit a Capricorn where it hurts--in her pride. *Is smarting and angry*. Did I not do these things of my own merit? Did I not do them well? And now you want to use me to hurt your old friend. To use me. Very stupid of you. Very. *Shows teeth*

*As Nangla* It's sure'n I won't! Best be gettin' someone else t' be yer doxy!

When even my backstabbing-slut character thinks things have gone too far, you know they have. >;^)

*As Elrond* I am not a pawn, madam, and I will not be played like one.

'Nuff said. ;^D

Before I announce it in quiet and secrecy, let me proclaim it from the roof instead: my answer is "no". So let it be written, so let it be done.

Other than that: surprised Kahn with my knowledge of (of all things) Barbie.

Yes it's true, kiddies: Barbie's full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts.

How would I know that? How could I not? Classic Barbie, '50s and '60s and '70s Barbie, is awesome =^D A gorgeously beautiful, smoky-eyed marvel. She was single and singular in her power--there was no Skipper to fill the teen-goddess niche and no Baby Sister Kellie making her feel old. She had no need of some silly Generation Girl makeover, she was the Generation Girl. Hers was a world without the perils of drinking, smoking, or drug use, a world where there was no AIDS, no cancer, and no WTC disaster. Where the only things one had to fear were the dog, the microwave (DON'T ask ;^p), and maybe a mean-spirited older brother or two.

All of which makes her completely different from co-dependent, co-habitating, facelifted, boob-reducted modern-day Barbie. *Shudders in disgust* >_<

Anyway. His next line: "Any other dark secrets which I should know about..?!?..." That's his sense of humor in action, folks. He's in a good mood because I go to see him in July. Isn't he cute, boys and girls? Wave to the shark, let him know you're here--it's okay, Timmy; he's completely on the other side of the glass ;^D

I'm hoping Jaz is having more fun with her overseas visits. Please be okay, couz *gives flowers*. I miss you awfully, you know. *Hugs*. Get to me on the messenger, when you can.

That'll be all, folks. Move along, nothing else to see here ^_^

Tuesday, June 04, 2002


What You Weren't Meant To See

D'oh! Cher's latest is called "Living Proof", not "Proof of Life"! Whoops ^^;

Anyway, now that the errata bit is out of the way:

It's now official--life is weird. Most of the people I know are either still school-bound or trekking back and forth across the Atlantic, and at least one of them seems to have utterly disappeared. On the personal front, my life is in flux. And I couldn't be happier. Which is odd, since I normally avoid change.

Is it the summer air? My new sneakers? That bizzarre Cher test I took? Who knows, but I feel good :^D

I feel tired, too--that's what I get for staying up to watch High Fidelity with John Cusack ;^D I only made it to about 2:45 AM, but that's because I'm a wuss who needs her sleep ;^P

Duhhh, too tired to come up with a decent post *rubs eyes*...

ZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZ *snore* (The sound of my own snoring is sufficiently loud to wake me up.) Huh? Whazzat?

Uhh, goodnight then people :^)

Monday, June 03, 2002

Open Up Your Eyes And See

It Won't Take Long To Understand

Just how lucky I am...
No matter what I see, I believe, I believe...
The power touches me,
The power sets us free,
The power holds my hand, yeah,
The power drives me crazy..."

--Who else? (Look below for the hint)

take the cher test.

and go to because laura isn't cher.

Whee! ^_^ *Drowning in happiness*

Yeah, I actually want a copy of "Proof of Life". And? ;^P

[whee, fixing bad html tags is the most fun I've ever had...not! :^P *Sigh*]

I Hate Pollen

Oooh, My Head >_<

Major killer sinus headache. Aspirin isn't working. Bleh =^P *Rubs eyes, temples, etc.*

I have a prominent cheekbones, you know. And a forehead which announces itself--I'd make a spiffy Klingon. Glue a couple of rigdes in the middle and I'm all set ;^D This and a cleft chin with a mind of its own. I have a very agressive face.

Politics. Ugh! Must they be talked about in my presence? >_<

We have already accepted that I lean toward the right, yeah? And also that I'm a registered Republican voter? And no one has tried to lynch me yet, I was both surprised and delighted by this ^_^ So why make an issue of it now? =^P

Here's a thought for all the younger set out there (oh, you happy twelve-year-olds!) : don't spout rhetoric over things you know absolutely nothing about.

There, now that my whining is done:

I filled out the app, go in today to discuss hours and whether I'll be available on Saturdays (I'm pushing for "Hell yes" but my parents may have something to say about that ;^) ), and, hopefully, when the earliest will be that I can start work. Do you realize what this means? Do you realize what this means?

It means legal music. It means a used Dreamcast and a secondhand Mortal Kombat Gold. It means fast food and Fathom (It's nearing issue 20 now, and I have the first 4 :^P) and eventually car payments. Although probably not. Shall go for a used Mercedes, probably the little four-door SL 450, something like that. I always wanted a Mercedes *bouncing happily*.

I liked yuppie cars and yuppie coffee, both before they were cool. I took my punches for it. Now it's time to play, huh?

We're out to get it get it
We're gonna win it win it
We're out to get that thang so
Let me see ya roll with it!

--Fight-chant, Luther Crusaders, Luther High School

Odd, I know. I hate cheerleading but I like the rhythm. The basic idea of syncopated words being yelled out for no reason appeals to me.

And also a friend got back in touch with me recently. So that's where you've been. Have fun, ganchia, and learn all there is for you to learn :^D

Uhhm, yeah, I've bored you all long enough now ;^)