Run Along, Humans
More Inane Babble
Today is already off to a brilliant start. (Ooh, sarcasm is so much fun.)
Got a haircut yesterday. I wanted it chin-level. It's too damn short...but it looks pretty good.
Trinity me. ^_^
Not that I particularly idolize Trinity (can't get past the whole "she keeps Neo's sheets warm" thing.)
I like Niobe much better, actually, or Switch. I loved Switch, and she died *POUT*.
It was after she died that I went over to the Agents.
Me @ "burly brawl" scene:
"Woo Smith! Get him! GET him! Kick his ASS!"
*Several patrons look at me funny. For one tense moment, I wonder if they will throw things.*
"Umm, go Neo...yeah...right..." *glumly silent*
*Millions of Smiths attempt to crush Neo*
(softly, with accompanying evil glee) "Dogpile on the rabbit, dogpile on the rabbit..."
Why'd I tell you that? I don't need a reason. Mwa-hahaha.
I'm working on a laptop. Hate laptops. Hate the tiny little keys--not good for someone with my long nails. Plus THERE IS NO DELETE KEY--only backspace! URRGH! I hate backspace!
*RAGE* >:^P