Thursday, December 06, 2001


Ah, there we go, all better now ;^) Neopets is taking forever to load; which is pissing me off, tromping around the world of Neopia has become my favorite unwinding technique. And man am I wound just now. Damn f*cking holiday season, grrrrrrrrRRRrrr....

I dunno. I get like this every December. It evaporates in January...

Anyway, side thought: read the "Tales of Alvin Maker" by Orson Scott Card. They start with "Seventh Son." Read them. You have been commanded. Whether or not you obey will be your own personal gain or loss. *Shrug* Like anybody much listens to a word I say, anyway, except when I'm cracking a joke...

That is my way. Heyoka , Contrary. No, it's not something I made up, it's Navajo. Look it up sometime :^P Not that I'm Navajo (we're Creek, if I recall rightly ) but what the hell, I like the concept :^P

Although the Nomad word for "uncle," hekenya , has similar connotations...

G'Night then Folkies, Jaz just signed on :^D

Peace and Medicine Rattles, Jheti

Wednesday, December 05, 2001

My thoughts are running in a tape loop, that restless vicious loop that inspires me to write hunting scenes, killing scenes, Fatality scenes. But not here ;^) And not in my fic, neither--not for my sensitive discerning audience. Just for me ;^)

That will be all.

*Stalking about*, Jheti

Tuesday, December 04, 2001

Color: mud.
Sound: mud mud mud mud.
Thought: dirt dirt mud mud dirt mud.
Object: Yes that's right, mud!
Action/Feeling: sleep (and you thought I was going to say "mud", didn't you? ;^) )
Wish: For this bone-deep nauseating irritational feeling to go away.

You heard me, I'm irritated. Not nobody not know how or why or what for. Maybe it'll pass, maybe it won't. Who knows? Who cares? Do you care?

Do I?


On the other hand, my Poogle toys are selling out at a nice quick clip :^) 'Tis the season. Greed is good :^)
Read "MAD About the Eighties" in its entirety. I want a copy of that book so damn bad...why? 'Cause they're "more memories you won't remember/Believe it or not/There's life/After high school...What you want is an adult education..." Or to put it another way...Ah, read the sidebar why don'tcha?

*Jheti the mercurial*

Monday, December 03, 2001

I am up and writing scenes again, BEWARE...*Laughs evilly*

Nothing can stop me now! It's been ages. Ought to have Mirrorworld 4 up and running before the New Year, but don't quote me on that, LoL ;^) Currently with that, Shang, Reptile and Baraka are poised to wreak havoc and find out what Mileena is up to at all costs...

Also "Shadows and the Shards" Part II is progressing nicely; an encounter with an illusion lands Mileena in more trouble than she bargained for...Say wha? What's she talking about? Didn't know there was a Part I ? E-mail me and see, if you want, all of y'all gots my address, some of ya gots more than one ;^D

Color: sea green
Sound: windchimes, girly, windchiiiimmmessss!
Thought: Move? My love is alive. If you want, I can fly!
Object: the insides of a seashell, pearly and cold
Action/Feeling: a nap in the sunlight. Warm, lazy. Delicious.
Wish: more chances for ficcy, more more more more! ^_^