This Queen You Think You Own
There Will Be No White Flag
OMFG. *^_^*
Blame Amy for starting this. Or praise her. As is your whim, it's her fault either way.
Watch me! For I shall do the major Shadows cast entirely in Dido songs.
(Note: for some reason, Dido does a shitload of Brin songs. Like Brin picks up every single one and goes, "ooh!" and insists it's hers. So I more or less forced her to share and got the following results.)
BARAKA: All You Want
I'd like to watch you sleep at night,
to hear you breathe by my side
And although sleep leaves me behind,
there's nowhere I'd rather be
And now our bed is oh so cold,
my hands feel empty, no-one to hold
I can sleep what side I want,
it's not the same with you gone
Oh if you'd come home, I'll let you know that
All you want, is right here in this room, all you want
And all you need, is sitting here with you, all you want
It's been three years, one night apart,
but in that night you tore my heart
If only you had slept alone,
if those seeds had not been sown
Oh you could come home and you would know that
All you want, is right here in this room, all you want
All you need is sitting here with you, all you want
With one small step upon the stair
I know your look when I get there
If you were a king up there on your throne
Would you be wise enough to let me go
For this queen you think you own
Wants to be a hunter again
Wants to see the world alone again
To take a chance on life again
So let me go
BRIN: Don't Think Of Me
Does it bother you now?
All the mess I made
Does it bother you now?
The clothes you told me not to wear
Does it bother you now?
All the angry games we played
Does it bother you now?
When I'm not there
When you see her sweet smile baby, don't think of me
When she lays in your warm arms, don't think of me
And it's too late and it's too bad, don't think of me
Oh it's too late, oh it's too bad, don't think of me.
What I choose to do
Is of no concern to you and your friends
Where I lay my hat may not be my home
But I will last on my own
'cause it's me, and my life
It's my life
Oh the world has sat in the palm of my hand
Not that you'd see
And i'm tired and bored
Of waiting for you
And all those things you never do
ISMAR: Take My Hand
See my eyes, they carry your reflection
Watch my lips and hear the words I'm telling you
Give your trust to me and look into my heart
And show me, show me what you're doing
So sit on top of the world and tell me how you're feeling
What you feel now is what I feel for you
Telsor, as is his habit, rolled his eyes and refused to play along. He's too macho for Dido. (I had to get Koteth drunk first ;^p) The evil members of the cast shrugged in bemusement.
Kitana got into a whanging catfight with Mileena and Brin over Hunter, which everybody loves, only to sulk and not pick a substitute when she didn't get it. Kitana's known for that whole pouting thing.
Uhh, yeah. I think my trick with the lyrics has officially gotten out of hand.
Much love to all. Happy Thanksgiving to those that celebrated.
Me, I was home sick >_<
I did get leftovers, though. And stepdad's mom did make me chicken soup, which was nice. *Feels all special and stuff.*
Anyway, peace out, seeya 'round, all that good stuff.
And, yes, The Whistle Song. I love both edits. The dirty one's funnier, though >^D
Blow it like you mean it, BLOW!
Adieu, folks.