Monday, March 31, 2003

Jheti Uncensored


I grabbed this from someone who grabbed it from someone who grabbed it from someone. Geez, that's a lot of grabbing...

Favorite Food: rare steak

Favorite Pizza Topping: OLIVES! Preferably diced. Black and green. Don't bring that pimento shit over here, tho'.

Favorite Fruit: mangoes. Especially pickled.

Favorite Vegetable: Brocolli or spinach or brussels sprouts. Can't decide.

Favorite Cereal: The Batman Returns Limited Edition Cereal that doesn't exist anymore *cries*.

Favorite Drink: Diet coke with lemon, with ice.

Favorite Alcoholic Drink: Rum and coke. Butterscotch schnapps is alright, too.

Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: mint with chocolate bits

Favorite Type of Chocolate: dark

Favorite Type of Muffin: UGRHRK.

Favorite Thing to Put on Your Pancakes: Margarine

Favorite Color: PURPLE *^_^* and Red. Anything in the purple-to-red spectrum.

Favorite Nail Polish Color: I don't wear nailpolish, although I collect pretty purple ones.

Favorite Candle Scent: Illuminations does one called Fresh Air, it's pretty good.

Favorite Pen Color: blue will do

Favorite Clothing Color: Cranberry

Favorite Color for Walls in a room: also cranberry, turning purple

Hair Color: Brown. The highlights still haven't finished growing out, which is kinda cool.

Eye Color: Gold. Really.

Favorite Movie: who you gonna call? GHOSTBUSTERS!! also The Last Unicorn, Willow, and The Ten Commandments (STOP that snickering).

Favorite Actress: Halle Berry

Favorite Actor: Hugo Weaving *sits in his lap*

Favorite Type of Music: Electronic. And any band you've never heard of.

Favorite Song of All Time: "The Way You Make Me Feel" by Michael Jackson

Favorite Song Right Now: "Whisper" by Evanescence

Favorite LP: Record? It WAS Jackson 5's Greatest Hits, dad got it and the player during the divorce and yes I'm STILL mad about it >^F

Favorite Band: *Chanting* Splashdown! Splashdown! Splashdown! Or maybe Polaris? ;^D

Favorite Boy Band: Orlando's Own, BACKSTREET BOYS! The BSB'll bring ya to ya knees! --I have good memories of them, okay? :^P And a signed piccy *^_^*

Favorite Male Singer: MICHAEL! MICHAEL! MICHAEL! *Faints* And Hall and Oates.

Favorite Female Singer: Carly Simon, Pat Benatar, Emma Shaplin, Kathleen Battle, Enya, Amy
Lee, Melissa Kaplan, Alanis Morrisette

Favorite Instrument: Piano. Or violin.

Favorite Radio Station: 95.3 WRPX, nintey-five-three PARRRTYEEEE!

Favorite Music Video: "Smooth Criminal", Michael Jackson

Favorite TV Channel: ?? I watch old cartoons to chill.

Favorite TV Show: tossup between "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and "The Adventures Of Pete and Pete"

Favorite Cartoon: of all time? Batman the Animated Series.

Favorite Cartoon Character: POISON IVY.

Favorite Commercial: the Geico squirrels ad.

Favorite Magazine: Wizard (comix), Dungeon (Roleplaying scenarios and resources), Dragon (Roleplaying "Culture" such as it is), Realms of Fantasy (S&S -- it means Sword and Sorcery, you friggin' perverts.)

Favorite Book: Umm...too many

Favorite School Subject: ENGLISH. or History. Or some combination of both.

Favorite Name for a Boy: Daniel.

Favorite Name for a Girl: Rachel, and lately fixating on girl names that start with N. Dunno why.

Favorite Room in the House: Computer room! Gamez, w00T!

Favorite Place to go to for a Vacation: Resort of some kind near an ocean

Favorite Country: JAPAN! I want to go HOME *pines to death*. Show me to Yokosuka...

Favorite City: Wasssuuup OR-LAN-DO!! *Breaks it down*

Favorite Sport: Fuck sports.

Favorite Web Site: not yours, you nosey fucker.

Favorite Thing in Your Room: my stereo

Favorite Thing in Your House: the internet connection

Favorite Quote: "One can never have too large a party."--Jane Austen

Favorite Quote from a Movie: "Surprise, asshole!"--Joe Pantaliano (cypher) in "The Matrix"

Favorite Quote from a Song: Too many.

Favorite Person to Laugh at: the antiwar geeks. Especially the French ones >^D

Favorite Person to Hate: Hitler. Short German dudes suck.

Favorite Friend: what kind of grab-asstic question is that?!

Favorite Outfit: cl0Ze R bad. Be naked >^D

Favorite Shoes: *ahem* I only have ONE PAIR of shoes, dipshit.

Favorite Body Part on Yourself: Cleavage. It's PURTY *illustrates*.

Favorite Body Part on the Opposite Sex: Am a chest/back/arms/ass person. It's about the overall presentation, sugar. That and the *cough* package.

Favorite Thing about You: my Shojo Kakumei Utena obsession.

Favorite Day of the Week: Friday?

Favorite Holiday: Halloween

Favorite Time of the Day: When work lets out

Favorite Time to Shower: Morning

Favorite Feeling: now that's NONE of your business >^D

Favorite Emotion: Happiness

Favorite Thing to do when You're Bored: surf the Net

Favorite Thing to do when You're Mad: scream, swear, pitch a fit, throw things, and swear some more, repeat.

Favorite Thing to do when You're Hyper: DANCE.

Favorite Animal: wolves, snakes, lionfish, spiders, sea anemones, sharks, and giant, eerily glowing deep-water organisms

Favorite Type of Accent: Japanese and Valley bring out the nostalgia.

Favorite Store: Sci-Fi City. Not that I ever get to go there >^P

Favorite Place to Hang Out: Borders Books/Music/Cafe`.

Favorite Talk Show: *finds cartoons instead* OOOOH Jem and the Holograms is on! *^_^*

Favorite Sandwich: Tuna salad I suppose

Favorite Type/Brand of Cigarettes: *RETCH*

Favorite Type of Drugs: ASPIRIN. Relieve me, baby, relieve me.

Favorite Way to Listen to Music: during calisthenics, while writing, while procrastinating, while dancing, and I always turn on the classic rock station before going clubbing.

Favorite Thing to Dream About: I dream about theme parks a lot...

Favorite Thing in the Whole World: the Nomads. Blade-weilding, knife-toothed, non-Wolverine mutants rulez0r!

Sunday, March 30, 2003

Everybody's Workin' For The Weekend

(Except For Me!)

Listening: "Control (Extended Lyric Mix)" Traci Lords
Reading: Finally finished King Lear. Ugh. And Utena Vol. 2, a much more pleasant, rose-scented reading experience *^_^*
Thinking: Damn I'm good.

I got a job.

FEEL the paroxysms of joy. *^_^*

When I was little, all the other girlies wanted to play House. My favorite game was Office. My biggest role model was Janine of the Ghostbusters. No sh*t.

Someone told me once, "Capricorns don't have lives. They have careers."

WORD! First stop, Customer Service. Next stop, stock portfolio. And then I shall bring the financial WORLD to its KNEES *Evil cackle*.

All your service R belong to me!


I will control your soul!
I will control your soul!
(So let me control it)

If you surrender, you'll feel no pain
'Cause I'm the master at this game


Here's my a**-ugly work ID. God, I was having a bad day that day. And it's a deathly horrible picture. But still. It's a work ID.

'Cause I'm the master at this game

Or if you prefer

The absolute destiny apocalypse
The absolute destiny
Absolute destiny
Destined for apocalypse!

Which is from my favorite anime` (and aren't you sick of hearing about Utena? ;^p)

The Spike fic is progressing, Brin's interlude is about done. As I've said before, that one's not for public release...

Nangla's interlude is, though. Coming from the same parallel universe as the RP thread, but disregarding the original characters except for her and Wylend. At present, it's kind of designed to show her rise, fall and ultimate cycle of transformation. She's tied in closely with the Queen of Swords tarot card. (In fact I'm using that for the title.) From loss to wisdom, to death as result of that wisdom. Kinda grim, of necessity.

There are light moments to it, though. For one thing, Sindel and Jerrod get into swell marital tiffs. And Nangla puts the make on Shang >^D

(Him, irritated) "Look at me!"

(Her) "I am." *Leers* "TRUST me."

(Him) "Look into my eyes."

(Her) "Thinkin' I dunno magecraft, handsome?" *Laughter* "It takes more than that to snare me."

(Him, putting on the charming routine) "Evidently."

(Her) *BIG grins* "NOW yer speakin' my language."


Dangerous, the girl is so dangerous
Take away my money, throw away my time
You can call me honey but you're no damn good for me!

Although, in point of fact, the theme I chose for her was Powerman 5000's "Ultra Mega":

(Clipped to only the most relevant stuff)

You're gonna see the
Same thing, same thing
The true bloods flatten
Megastar is changin'

Now there must
Be a difference
Between you and me
'Cause I'm the ultra mega
And you'd just like to be!

One foot back on
The earth this time
I can't stand to
Feel this way!

Almost evil
Almost perfect
Almost evil
Almost worthy
(Almost, never!)

Now there must
Be a differece
Between us and the ground
But the ultra mega
Was the only sound

Let's go!

Can you converse
With the universe
And let them know
That they were wrong?

Ultra mega supersonic
Ultra mega for your head
Ultra mega catatonic
Ultra mega until
You're dead!

And on that note, see ya folks, I got writing to do. This is my last day off and then it's back to the grind ^_^