Jheti Uncensored
I grabbed this from someone who grabbed it from someone who grabbed it from someone. Geez, that's a lot of grabbing...
Favorite Food: rare steak
Favorite Pizza Topping: OLIVES! Preferably diced. Black and green. Don't bring that pimento shit over here, tho'.
Favorite Fruit: mangoes. Especially pickled.
Favorite Vegetable: Brocolli or spinach or brussels sprouts. Can't decide.
Favorite Cereal: The Batman Returns Limited Edition Cereal that doesn't exist anymore *cries*.
Favorite Drink: Diet coke with lemon, with ice.
Favorite Alcoholic Drink: Rum and coke. Butterscotch schnapps is alright, too.
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: mint with chocolate bits
Favorite Type of Chocolate: dark
Favorite Type of Muffin: UGRHRK.
Favorite Thing to Put on Your Pancakes: Margarine
Favorite Color: PURPLE *^_^* and Red. Anything in the purple-to-red spectrum.
Favorite Nail Polish Color: I don't wear nailpolish, although I collect pretty purple ones.
Favorite Candle Scent: Illuminations does one called Fresh Air, it's pretty good.
Favorite Pen Color: blue will do
Favorite Clothing Color: Cranberry
Favorite Color for Walls in a room: also cranberry, turning purple
Hair Color: Brown. The highlights still haven't finished growing out, which is kinda cool.
Eye Color: Gold. Really.
Favorite Movie: who you gonna call? GHOSTBUSTERS!! also The Last Unicorn, Willow, and The Ten Commandments (STOP that snickering).
Favorite Actress: Halle Berry
Favorite Actor: Hugo Weaving *sits in his lap*
Favorite Type of Music: Electronic. And any band you've never heard of.
Favorite Song of All Time: "The Way You Make Me Feel" by Michael Jackson
Favorite Song Right Now: "Whisper" by Evanescence
Favorite LP: Record? It WAS Jackson 5's Greatest Hits, dad got it and the player during the divorce and yes I'm STILL mad about it >^F
Favorite Band: *Chanting* Splashdown! Splashdown! Splashdown! Or maybe Polaris? ;^D
Favorite Boy Band: Orlando's Own, BACKSTREET BOYS! The BSB'll bring ya to ya knees! --I have good memories of them, okay? :^P And a signed piccy *^_^*
Favorite Male Singer: MICHAEL! MICHAEL! MICHAEL! *Faints* And Hall and Oates.
Favorite Female Singer: Carly Simon, Pat Benatar, Emma Shaplin, Kathleen Battle, Enya, Amy
Lee, Melissa Kaplan, Alanis Morrisette
Favorite Instrument: Piano. Or violin.
Favorite Radio Station: 95.3 WRPX, nintey-five-three PARRRTYEEEE!
Favorite Music Video: "Smooth Criminal", Michael Jackson
Favorite TV Channel: ?? I watch old cartoons to chill.
Favorite TV Show: tossup between "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and "The Adventures Of Pete and Pete"
Favorite Cartoon: of all time? Batman the Animated Series.
Favorite Cartoon Character: POISON IVY.
Favorite Commercial: the Geico squirrels ad.
Favorite Magazine: Wizard (comix), Dungeon (Roleplaying scenarios and resources), Dragon (Roleplaying "Culture" such as it is), Realms of Fantasy (S&S -- it means Sword and Sorcery, you friggin' perverts.)
Favorite Book: Umm...too many
Favorite School Subject: ENGLISH. or History. Or some combination of both.
Favorite Name for a Boy: Daniel.
Favorite Name for a Girl: Rachel, and lately fixating on girl names that start with N. Dunno why.
Favorite Room in the House: Computer room! Gamez, w00T!
Favorite Place to go to for a Vacation: Resort of some kind near an ocean
Favorite Country: JAPAN! I want to go HOME *pines to death*. Show me to Yokosuka...
Favorite City: Wasssuuup OR-LAN-DO!! *Breaks it down*
Favorite Sport: Fuck sports.
Favorite Web Site: not yours, you nosey fucker.
Favorite Thing in Your Room: my stereo
Favorite Thing in Your House: the internet connection
Favorite Quote: "One can never have too large a party."--Jane Austen
Favorite Quote from a Movie: "Surprise, asshole!"--Joe Pantaliano (cypher) in "The Matrix"
Favorite Quote from a Song: Too many.
Favorite Person to Laugh at: the antiwar geeks. Especially the French ones >^D
Favorite Person to Hate: Hitler. Short German dudes suck.
Favorite Friend: what kind of grab-asstic question is that?!
Favorite Outfit: cl0Ze R bad. Be naked >^D
Favorite Shoes: *ahem* I only have ONE PAIR of shoes, dipshit.
Favorite Body Part on Yourself: Cleavage. It's PURTY *illustrates*.
Favorite Body Part on the Opposite Sex: Am a chest/back/arms/ass person. It's about the overall presentation, sugar. That and the *cough* package.
Favorite Thing about You: my Shojo Kakumei Utena obsession.
Favorite Day of the Week: Friday?
Favorite Holiday: Halloween
Favorite Time of the Day: When work lets out
Favorite Time to Shower: Morning
Favorite Feeling: now that's NONE of your business >^D
Favorite Emotion: Happiness
Favorite Thing to do when You're Bored: surf the Net
Favorite Thing to do when You're Mad: scream, swear, pitch a fit, throw things, and swear some more, repeat.
Favorite Thing to do when You're Hyper: DANCE.
Favorite Animal: wolves, snakes, lionfish, spiders, sea anemones, sharks, and giant, eerily glowing deep-water organisms
Favorite Type of Accent: Japanese and Valley bring out the nostalgia.
Favorite Store: Sci-Fi City. Not that I ever get to go there >^P
Favorite Place to Hang Out: Borders Books/Music/Cafe`.
Favorite Talk Show: *finds cartoons instead* OOOOH Jem and the Holograms is on! *^_^*
Favorite Sandwich: Tuna salad I suppose
Favorite Type/Brand of Cigarettes: *RETCH*
Favorite Type of Drugs: ASPIRIN. Relieve me, baby, relieve me.
Favorite Way to Listen to Music: during calisthenics, while writing, while procrastinating, while dancing, and I always turn on the classic rock station before going clubbing.
Favorite Thing to Dream About: I dream about theme parks a lot...
Favorite Thing in the Whole World: the Nomads. Blade-weilding, knife-toothed, non-Wolverine mutants rulez0r!