Wednesday, September 11, 2002


STOP Eating The Toxic Foliage!

Mom and I talked about a lot of things.

There should be a park, we decided, where the towers used to be.

You know, one of those grassy ones, with benches and little trees in those iron fency things, stretching toward the sun. And a path leading up to a memorial that's the center of the whole thing. That would be nice. Life where there was death, growth over Ground Zero. And like a statue of a fireman, a cop, and maybe even a member of the press. Bigger than life, better than real.

That'll show those...I'd curse a blue streak, but there aren't words filthy enough for Osama Bin Laden and his get, slimy illiterate thugspawn of a demented *BLEEP* That's what he is. A *BLEEP*. A word so awful, so bad, that no one can say it, with a sound-effect in its place.
Filthy, filthy, foul little *BLEEP*, the kind of sh*t who tortured kittens as a child. @$$hole.

Anyway: something, a park or something like that, would be great. Take my kids there someday with their grandmother and uncle, have a picnic lunch on Patriot Day, which unless I miss my guess, ought to be like Fourth of July 2 someday.

I don't care who you are or where you're from, you've got to have just a shred of admiration for Americans. We got sucker-punched, and we stood up again. We got the sh*t kicked out of us--IN PEACETIME, FOR NO F*CKING REASON--and stood up and fought.

Point is, no one does that and gets away with it.

*Chanting* USA! USA! USA! ^_^

Oh, and uh, haters: get the f*ck off me. I have Native American blood. I have the RIGHT to be jingoist if I want. I'm no stranger to the horrible things this country has done. She may be f*cked up sometimes, but I love Her.

Because, you know, America's a She ;^) Mysterious and capricious and wonderful and dangerous as Hell when you piss her off. Like a widow, now, sad yet lovely amidst her tears.

It's been raining all day. The earth crying all day, along with the rest of us. Healing itself, I should think.

They say that a hero will save us
I'm not gonna stand here and wait
I'll hold onto the wings of the eagles
Watch as we all fly away

Goodnight, and God bless. Which goes for everybody, everywhere.

Now Playing: "Hero", Nickelback

Monday, September 09, 2002

Leave Me Alone

I Don't Want It

Another email from His Majesty. >^P

Here's a reply for you *middle finger*.

"We're fine, we're all fine here, uh how are you?"

--Han Solo (Harrison Ford), "A New Hope"

And now that I'm finished wasting oxygen on that topic:

It's such a pretty day. *Scratches arm absently.* Uh, I know I had something to tell you...

Oh yes. Layout plans *evil grin*.

Blue on blue with blurred headings, same as the author's notes, only the Verdana will be "minus-one" size (ten-point). Arrangement and links as before--I just want a different look, not a total overhaul.

Evil Aspen in the graphics, probably. Or Vana, the last arc's Big Bad. And a slightly altered splash-page, operating on the same idea as a link-infested signature. You'll know what I mean as soon as I figure it out myself ;^)

That's a Buffy phrase btw, "Big Bad". I like it, it comes in very handy :^)

Lemme think...

Spike. Actually even Tenchi likes Spike now 'cause of "Doomed".

And yes, I saw "Something Blue". ^_- That's the one where Willow does the spell that has everything she says come true? And Buffy falls in love with Spike, demons follow Xander everywhere, Giles is struck blind and etc.?

(I don't trust my cable settings as they have a tendency to mis-name the episodes and get their summaries jumbled around, so I wasn't sure that's it, which is why I didn't say anything ^^; )

Beyond funny, and abounding in nice butt-kicker moments ^_^

The best of course being Spike's ^_-

"I was HELPING. *Look hurt, confused and sarcastic all at once.*"

Tell you what: you root for Spike, I'll root for Xander, how's that? ;^D

Actually, Spike is best when bounced off Giles, IMO. Two Brits from two very different eras, both being snide at each other, Giles with incomparable stuffiness and Spike with that "Yeah, and? Bugger you people, you're my FOOD" sort of sass. Veddy good, gentlemen. ^_^

Xander, however, (heheheheheehe see? I learn fast ;^) ) is best off Willow or Anya, or reacting to Spike, which is a slightly different ballgame.

Anya's just cool, period ^_^

You KNOW a Buffy scheme is next ;^D Probably sometime after my birthday. I'll be twenty years old...*shies away from the thought* ^^;

Okay, uh, I'm done now, got fic and email and posts to take care of, plus lots of laundry (socks AAAAAARRRGGGGHHH I hate pairing socks!) and other stuff.

Oh wait, wait, before I go:

There's a reason I mentioned Tenchi. He bounced some ideas off me, and I'm kicking stuff around for a parody/comedy/adventure, "Spike Has A Happy Day".

As part of a test to get his soul back, he's subjected to an alternate universe of intense sweetness-and-light that he has to endure for 48 hours without reverting to his innate vamp tendencies, and the Scooby Gang tags along to help him.

Now bear in mind that this is in Limbo right now along with the tales for Baraka, Brin, Captain EO and Company, and the rest of Mirrorworld. Besides, I just don't know enough yet, and I'd hate to come off newbish.

Still, the idea really appeals to me ^_^

Okay, now I can leave ;^P