Hey Smilin' Strange
Looking Happily Deranged
Flavor text is Brooklyn Bounce's "Loud and Proud"
*As Mad Martigan* I... feel...BETTER!!
Pump up the volume
Nuff said *^_^*
Let's change it back
Where have I been? It's easy, kemosabei. We steam-cleaned every carpet in the house, rearranged everything, and repainted the guest-room. After that, there were the bathroom, laundry, and kitchen duty to consider.
This is a revolution in sound
Why all this fuss? The rental group is sending one of their agents by to do a house inspection. That means we all dress up and play Mr. Rogers.
Let's do this
*Postures* Won'tchu be my neighbor?
Hear the music, loud and proud
And did I mention we're not supposed to have a cat? Also that. That means we've got to pack her into the car and drive around like everything's cool. We'll follow that up with volunteer work 'til about midnight.
I ought to get home by one, one-thirtyish tommorow morning.
Let the bass kick!
So, uh, yeah--sorry I haven't been around ;^)
I did some work yesterday with a back-burner project. Shh. I'll give you a hint:
"You wish."
There you go, that's your hint ^_- And no, it's not fiction. I haven't been within ten feet of my fiction in the last week. And not by choice *sigh*.
Everybody in the place get ready
This is a revolution in sound
Hear the music loud and proud
Back to the old school
Uh-huh, my point originally being that all my off-time went into housework. Maybe Wednesday will be better. Just don't hold me to that ;^)
I haven't abandoned my stories, it's just, with "Shadows" in particular, I find that every time I've got a scene finished, six more pop up that need to be there. And unlike with "Mirrorworld", I'm actually putting them together.
I'm being thorough with something for the first time in my life. *Smiles uncertainly* Go me?
Tench last week: "You're a professional slacker, sis. It's what you do."
Gee, thanx ;^P Of course, he's absolutely right.
Because we're loud and proud
See ya Wednesday, troops ^_^
The Bounce is back!