Thursday, August 28, 2003

Echo Chamber

Word, Sistah. WORD.

Somebody move! Nobody get hurt
This is official man, only for dancefloor experts

I enjoy reading about your life ^_^

Really. I like knowing what's going on with y'all. Plural. I keep close tabs, just 'cause, y'know, I care about you guys. Err, girls. :^)

Oh. No time for daydreaming? That does suck.

Never underestimate the potential of weekends. You may want to try the bookstore/cafe`? It's easy to write things there; everyone's too focused on their own newspapers and whatnots to notice what you're doing. And talking to oneself and dramatic gestures can very easily be hidden in the less-traveled aisles, depending on how tall you are and provided you're somewhat of the quiet.

As for classes in math of any kind: I'm not sure they've invented numbers you couldn't master. Honestly. I've seen a few sharp people in my day, who did things with numbers that mystified me, but I've never seen someone conjure up a solution set like you. I certainly never saw them quote Poe. I mean, math humor? *Bows in awe.*

And get sleep. Sleep is mighty. Sleep is powerful. Don't skimp on it. Trust me on that.

There won't be no extra space to waste
Pick up the pace
In a hur-ray
And if you start to hyperventilate
Breathe in, breathe out!

So how's the Dickens? ;^)

Lots of people like him, you know. Just not me *shrug.*

I enjoyed Hemmingway. He was a nihilist or some such thing, and generally rather depressing, but he was an interesting read.

Anyway, glad to hear from your corner, don't let 'em get to you, and enjoy your new habitat :^D

Peace and nachos :^)

It's You I Want To Be

Southpaw Concerto For An Audi Sedan


Me in my plaid jacket--the old one, that went with the yellow shirt that had tiny florettes at the neckline and the oversize jeans with holes in both knees (not because it was cool; they were simply worn through. New jeans? Right. You have me confused with the girls from Highland Prep. The ones with names that end in I: Tiffani, Bambi, and all their Barbie Friends.)

Me as teenager. With the security and armor of the jacket against the watery cold night of the city. The highway. All the cars move in slow motion, giants in the dark tide. It's raining, but the water doesn't touch me. It lands gently on the pavement, coming back in wingbeats, halos of splattering water dancing in the orange neon.

I should not be here. I know that implicitly. This is where They live, and I'm in for it bad if they catch me. But I had to come. Hell, look at it. It's so beautiful it makes my eyes hurt. Hang on. Are those tears?

Does it matter?

I'm playing chicken with the cars--all gleaming, all dark, water peeling away from them as they swoop down the lanes. Impossibly slow, unbelievably fast, and I'm dancing between them. Around them. Through them. I touch the bumper of one with my right foot, hop up onto the roof, and slide down the back.

Now that was cool. I wonder if I could do it on purpose.

There's one car moving faster than the rest, in unchanged time, a blur of metal and an angry hot whicker of engine-sound. That'll be the one. I ought to catch that one. Delighted fear raises the hair on my arms--I always did love a dare.

Now I'm running, and my clothes are wet and heavy. The closer I get, the faster time is, closer to normal. It's as if this were the only part of the world moving in step with reality. My lungs burn in my chest, seared by oxygen, ancient internal scars with an old, bitter complaint.

I get alongside the car--that's the best I can hope for, the fastest I can go--and touch the handle of the rear door.

The car tears to the end of the lane, turns on a dime, and screeches to a halt, engine hissing, steam showing at the edges of the hood. It's a sleek, dark Audi sedan with heavily-tinted windows.

Time twitches liquidly, and there stands Agent Smith, trademark you're-all-scum sneer in exactly the right place behind his sunglasses.

"Far out," I say, gulping down air.

He raises an eyebrow, folds his arms, gun untouched at his side. I take a few steps forward. I always did love a dare.

"Other people..." I'm talking softly, moving slowly; Agents are enforcer programs, not predators, despite appearances. "You know all those geeks that want to be just like him--no, that want to be Neo?"

A twitch-curl of the sneer, and the barest of nods. I'm close enough to watch the weave of his suit change color, darkening along the main lines of the weave as water touches them.

"Well, I want to be you."

This pronouncement is greeted with the smallest change of expressions--a sudden flash of teeth that could be a smile. Whiplash fast, my arms are jammed behind my head, his arm across my back, palms flat to my head as he flings me into the car. Christ, he's fast. And that fucking hurt.

He slides in, naturally on the driver's side, and snaps his seatbelt with complete unconcern.

"The hell is wrong with you?" I mutter, rubbing the back of my neck before fastening my own belt.

He ignores the pronouncement, starts the car, and we're off down the freeway, in the ballet of rain and neon light and darkness, always the darkness--it's always night in the Matrix, now, and always raining, lightless and wet.

The silence stretches a bit. This is a nice car. Leather interior, scrupulously maintained, and no one's ever smoked in it, and the heater works, warm air purring softly out of the dark grilles. None of it's real, but it's still a hell of a ride. For a spider's parlor, it's not so bad.

He speaks, suddenly: "What you said. Was it true?"

"Basically," I say with a smile.

"Good," he says. "You'll need that, where we're going."

The freeway stretches off to somewhere infinite. There's something cold and weirdly wistful churning out of the stereo. Classical music, strings and the like, synced with perfectly sequenced, understated breaks. Techno lite with a sophisticated flair.

Not bad at all.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"Back to the world," he says, and the sneer returns. "Neo decides what's real, now."

"Not anymore," I say. "Not now."

His smile is sudden and very grim.

"I had a feeling you'd say that." He indicates the glove box with a slight inclination of his head. "You'll find what you need in there."

A gun, sleek and gleaming, indeterminate calibre--an unreal thing possible only here in the dream world.

"Awesome," I say, and switch the safety off.

I always did love a dare.

NOTE: Yes, I really had this dream. I wrote it up like a story, but I actually imagined all these events, and those are the basic feelings that went with them.

Wednesday, August 27, 2003

*Cue The Twilight Zone Music

Seen Several Hours After That Last Post

Strange dreams, insights or visions could cause upheavals in your spiritual orientation, dear Capricorn. These new ideas could have your mind going a thousand miles an hour, and could shake up concepts that you've embraced for most of your life. Think about it without making yourself crazy. Remember that what you're receiving is nothing more earthshaking than information that is simply to be considered, then accepted or rejected.

*SING* How bizarre, how bizzare. ^_~

Mindless Blather

Reading the Signs

I had a dream last night about--let me see...

Uhh, Jack Sparrow and a plantation house and cheap alcohol and my brother's birthday and oh yeah, Will Turner was there, too. I remember because Jack took his eyeliner pencil (dream logic: even pirates put on their eyeliner with an eyeliner pencil) and drew a mustache on Will's face. All in good fun, of course.

The dream did what most of my dreams do and became my parents at the coffee table talking about their day--what they have to do, where they have to go, what appointments they have and so on.

Just as that happened, I was dragged out of bed by--yes, that's right--my parents.

It's been a quiet morning at the office, following mom to her job. I guess it's Bring Your Adult Kid to Work Day. (Actually, it's my brother Tenchi's seventeenth birthday. Happy Birthday Tenchi *^_^*) It's also Catlady's birthday, and since she's mom's boss, here I am at the office.

Same day, widely different years, both Virgos.

Which is odd. Normally I'm some kind of supernatural Leo magnet. I'll meet someone, and my initial impression of them is, err, a particular way, and I'll be "So what sign are you?" and nine times out of ten, they'll sneer "That horoscope stuff is crap!" before sort of flipping their hair proudly at me and going, "I'm a Leo."

Cap and Leo. Not a fun match. I've met some lovely exceptions, but as far as relations go, they go best when I don't argue. Which, privately, is not what I prefer.

My three key signs: Capricorn, Scorpio, and Saggitarius. I suppose that explains why I frighten people. *Agent sneer* Only human.

Ironically enough, I'm supposed to have THE most trouble getting along with Saggitarius and Aquarius. The main signs of my two best friends. I'd venture the opinion that there must be other dynamics going on in our charts that balance things out.

What? This? I've been into fortunes and the like since I was nine. Only recreationally, of course, but my recreational studies are always more intense and thorough than my academic ones.

I have trouble believing in anything, honestly. Faith was never my strong point.

Loyalty, yes. Faith, no.

The kind of "faith" the local Lutheran ministers were always haranguing about sounds to me like jumping off a bridge because my friend thinks it's a good idea.


Well, hang on to your hats, ladies and gents. It only gets weirder from here on out. A look at the internal spiritual processes of Jheti:

We'll start with archetypes. I've known things, thought things, remembered things, and believed them to be
completely fictitious--flights of my own fancy--only to find that they were historical facts, places, or legends. That may not be past-life, but it argues strongly for the all-consciousness theory.

I'm secretly superstitious. I had a Shintoist nanny; what did you expect? She taught me good luck and bad luck and good and bad numbers and ways to dress or fix my hair to ward off bad things.

I believe in the power of prayer. Religion, especially organized, saints-and-pedophiles religion, bothers me. But I know prayer works. God evidently listens to the power in words. The Lord's Prayer is especially strong and one of the only things that helps me feel safe at night.

I don't do incense, or candles. They make me uneasy. Fire is for burning things, people. Candles seem angry, frustrated--fire bottled up with nowhere to go. A fireplace, though--that's a happy critter. Gleefully eating the logs in his litte stone nest and making everyone else warm in the process *^_^*

Jewelry gives me the creepy-crawlies. Especially that pentagram thing. I know weak-willed attention whoring when I see it. I don't wear crosses, either, or those WWJD bracelets, for the same reason. It's part of the same thing preventing me from getting a tattoo. There are powers in signs, but getting "peace and love" written on your ass in Chinese will not make you happy. In fact, it's likely to make your bottom sore, which is not conducive to a good mood.

And if you have to have a bracelet on your wrist to remember the Golden Rule, well, you're just sad.

The whole "Christian music" and "Christian books" and "Christian lunchmeat" philosophy bothers me. I'm not saying it's bad. Just worrisome. What happened to "Wherever two or more are gathered in my name?"

Says She Who Watches VeggieTales. ;^p

All bow down before Slayer, Queen of Hypocrisy.

See ya 'round. If any of you are left, after that.

I'm in a weird mood, a very very very weird ought to pass, they do eventually.

Tuesday, August 26, 2003


Preacher's Tellin' The Truth An' It Hurts

I'm a bad, bad girl.

I apparently let the record companies decide for me what I will buy.

I say that with the utmost sarcasm, by the way.

I encounter music through random Internet searches. I then pick a sound that appeals to me, find out who is responsible for it, and download a huge sampling of their stuff. If I like it, I keep it, and if I don't, down the Recycle Bin it goes.

The funny thing is, for every weird "cutting-edge" or "non-commercial" artist, (picture me making the quote things with my fingers; the intent is the same) I find two or three "manufactured" ones that I like just as much--if not more.

Shit, I'm sitting here freakin' to Ali and the St. Lunatics.

Breathe in! (Breathe in) Breathe out! (Breathe out)
Do the monastery go on let it out
Breathe out! (Breathe out) Breathe in! (Breathe in)
Put ya back in it let ya knees bend

Then there's Moonlight Shadow, a fluffy electronic piece by Mike Oldfield from 1984. It's disgustingly sweet. (And I love every second of it.) But anyway, Ali it's not.

There's always the Michael Jackson, if we really want to frighten people. And Prodigy. (I actually listened to their shit you can't get in stores. And it's not as good as their "commercial", easily available stuff.)

That says something about my taste, I should think. But what it says is beyond me.

I just resent the implication that someone else somehow magically made these decisions for me. Trust me, I did this all on my own. I have enough bad taste for all of us, yes?

Come breathe with me!
Break the pressure, come play my game I'll test ya!
Psychosomatic, attic, insane!
Come play my game
(Inhale, inhale, you're the victim!)
Come play my game
(Exhale, exhale, exhale!)

Prodigy ^_^

Their song "Narayan" is another surprise addition to the soundmap of Shadows.

If you believe
The western sun
Is fallin' down on everyone
And you feel it burn
Don't try to run
And you feel it burn
Your time has come,
And I feel it!

I think of their "Breathe" as a Smith and Bit--err, Neo--song. Besides, my Neo is dominant. He rules. He could kick canon Neo's ass three ways from Sunday.

Is it wrong to like ficverse versions of people and things better than canon?

I doubt it. Even people who don't write fic unconsciously change characters in their mind. No two perceptions of a story are the same. And in essence, anything beyond the original intent of a character or phrase or locale is ficverse.

All the things I like best about Spike, Xander, and even Giles are mostly ficverse. Without such a thing, the characters would not truly be ours. They'd still belong entirely to Joss Whedon.

I don't mean legally. I mean in the sense of existing as an idea. The moment you share an idea with someone else, it takes on a life in their mind as well as in yours, and those lives may be different. Legal liability is not even the tip of the iceberg. The transaction of ideas has already been made.

I find it very enjoyable. For my part, I benefit tremendously from the perception of others. I'd imagine paid writers do, too.

So, uh, no, AU to your heart's content. I definitely don't mind. *^_^*

A caveat: don't mess with people's OCs. They tend not to like it, unless you ask first. This is something I learned the hard way ages ago from--of all things--the Jem fandom, so I'm passing the advice along. Always glad to help. :^)

Seeya 'round, peeps.

Sunday, August 24, 2003


Right In Front of My Eyes

Nyohah's website. Go there because it kicks ass. Go NOW.
Hey, she linked me! She like, even described my site: "...a good dose of 'Slayer's personality."

Hear that? I have personality. *^_^*

Additionally,Tsura got herself an LJ.

In other news: I made an Utena wallpaper today *^_^* It's my first ever, so it's not the greatest, but I'm hella proud of myself. Oh, and it's only slightly larger than 800x600, because that's the highest my monitor will go.

Odd point: I specified 800 by 600 pixels, but it runs off the edges of the screen slightly when I use it as a desktop. Not enough in any way so as to impact the image, but since I spent six hours over two seperate afternoons on it, I can tell the difference. *Perplexed.* Oh well, it's still mad cool :^D

I'll put it up on my site later, maybe.

Speaking of which: I'm going to leave it alone, layout-wise. Honestly? That's WAAAY too much work and I'm very, very lazy. I'm going to change the categories and specs, but leave the look and positioning alone.

"Don't you want something you can be proud of?"

*SCREAMS in terror/fury* Another of Kahn's aphorisms! He's back to haunt me!

In other words, no. I fear I have altogether too much pride as it is.

I do what I want, when I want. Such is the power of adulthood.

Besides, I promised people I would do html of my stories for them, and send those along, so I have coding work cut out for me already, anyway.

Pay me no mind. I'm just grouchy without my coffee. *SLURPS coffee.*

Robbie brought up an interesting point with Purza which may save Mirrorworld from the slush pile. Thank you, dear. :^)

Ohhhh family had the most lovely little coffee klatch this morning. We all got together in the kitchen and discussed family and politics and the Bush dynasty and oil and commerce and Vietnam and Ben Franklin and real estate and my writing and everyone's lifestyle plans and *GASP* we joked around, too.

It was Waltons-style fuzziness. That just doesn't happen often. I just wish to preserve this moment in time, and have thus immortalized it here. *^_^*

And I'm so stealing stepdad's Ben Franklin book when he's done with it. That's the first time I've encountered something that made me want to READ since, well...hmm, in "real book" terms, two years at least.

Anyway, ciao and good feelings to you all.