Wednesday, February 13, 2002

A Smaller Truth Inside A Bigger One

Day to Day, The Smaller Is Enough

Hey there =^) Life is, more or less, back to normal :^) Jaz is home =^D Thank God! (Or Fates or Powers or whatever it is you'd all rather call that which directs the Universe. Me, I call it God out of force of habit ;^) )

I have a working image of Nania as a young woman, growing into the powers that will one day make her leader of the Lyparii...I'll put that up on my site in a bit...
And I may have updated my sidebar links. Shhh, it be a secret! ;^)

(Soundtrack: "Beautiful Day" by Hypertrophy)

Tuesday, February 12, 2002

More From Our Obviously Brain-Damaged Friend

I Am, Are You?

News flash: cerebral palsy is a form of brain damage. Thank you, thank you. *Bows and exits, stage right*. =^P

In other headlines across the country:

I've been to the Edge, I've been to the Edge,
And God knows I've looked down, looked down...
I've been to the Edge...

And back again :^D We'll see what we'll see.
*Sings along with Anette Funicello* "Que` sera, sera, whatever will be, will be..."

And in the meantime, kill them all and let God sort them out *smiles sweetly*.

Jaz ought to be home any day now. *Stares at the calendar as if she can change the dates thereon by sheer force of will* I misseth mein friend...

Two things:

1) I made scans last week.

2) I bought PaintShopPro 7, ne`-plus-ultra edition

=^D *Dances*

Be afraid. Be very afraid. ;^D

Someone I know got the Big Elfquest Gatherum for five bucks. *Cries* How could you?! HOW could you get that book for so cheap !? It costs absolute fortunes at Border's Books and Music (well, OK fine, thirty bucks ;^p)! Unless of course you got it online. :^P

Oh well.

Well what?

Well there's nothing more to see here, folks :^)

And Stevie's fine :^)

Soundtrack for Today's Entry: "The Edge" by Eiffel 65 (the cheese-factory one-hit-wonders behind "Blue(Da Ba Dee)")

Monday, February 11, 2002

I Told You So

A Study In Ironic Moments

(For blah, or whichever nickname you next take up on a dare)

I figured it might interest you to know: I had the intention to leave your community, your circle of friends, the "world" you made for yourself on the Web, way back in April of that first year you had the distinct displeasure of knowing me.

But someone noticed. Someone stopped and listened. Someone told me what amounts to "she's just doing her job, and she's a nice person. Hang in there, you'll see."

So who was this person, who kept me from doing something rash and stupid and newbie-ish? Who thought so highly of you? Who actually convinced me that you are worth knowing?

You might have heard of him as Ermaxtla.

Has this been a week for irony, or what? I drew Death, and the Emperor, and the Sun card.

"It's gonna be a bright, bright sunshiny day..."

I'm getting noticed =^D And you went to the trouble of adding a link and everything, you darling you! =^D

I'd hug you, but you'd probably throw up ;^)

Sunday, February 10, 2002

And I'm Still Silent

If You Just Close Your Eyes, And Just Imagine Everything's Alright

Since when was not knowing any better a capital offense? Just curious =^)

Soundtrack: "Say I"