And The Green Leaves They Grow Rarely
Time, Tide and Life In The Wastelands
Heyo :^)
They're talking to me again! Woo! *Bit of an MJ dance routine* =^D
To the who what in the why where who?
I'll level with you: I'm an auditory creature. I can hear our boarder and Tenchi in the kitchen, the slow drip of the fountain on the other side of the room, the quiet breath of the ceiling fan, and yes, the hum of the flourescent lights. I can hear what's going on outside, too--birdsong, and our neighbors having a yelling contest in Spanish with their 30-year-old son. Not that I know what they're bickering about, my Spanish is abysmal. And no, they're not yelling especially loudly. I just can't not hear them. I'm weird that way.
I'm basically a human tape-recorder. If some people can "see" their work already written, visualizing the way it looks on the page, then you might say I've got a copy of the audiobook running in my head before I ever stick pen to paper or fingers to keys. (Mostly fingers to keys. Stream-of-conciousness ranting, anyone? ;^) )
Anyway: I've been working on this fic for ages, since Mileena developed a grudge with me and left me to skulk around in the dark gluing random plotlines together like an idiot. Ditto ditto with Baraka. Even Brin wanted nothing to do with me, the ungrateful little twit. :^P
So, uh, they're back. Yeah. Woo-hoo. Major celebration *waves teeny-tiny flag* ^^;
And yes, yes, notes for the next part of Mirrorworld are in development--I'm having to go back and re-read all the stuff I've already written, to make sure I don't screw anything up. That's the only problem with epics, you can get murdered by the details...
Anyhow gotta run--that busy 'scope from yesterday is still in effect, apparently ;^)
Parting thought for the day: lookit me, lookit lookit, I'm a truck =^P

Which car are you?
A TRUCK? It's my evil roots coming out to haunt me! GGGGGGAAAAAAHHHH!!! >_<
Labels: omg tenchi