I Know Nothing Stays The Same
So Don't Mind If I Fall Apart...
The Week In Review...
Monday sucked. This is nothing new. Mondays more or less always suck.
Tuesday, a friend needed someone to listen, and chose me. Tuesday is also special because it marked the large-scale return of coffee to my domicile. And there was much rejoicing.
Wednesday, discovered the following: Crossgen Comics rock. Sojourn, in particular, is the thinking lady's alternative to Image/Top Cow. The femme character in said book is actually (gasp!) wearing a full suit of clothes, and somehow still comes off as both sexy and deadly. Typical cheescake peek-a-boo pencillers, take note ;^D
Thursday, showed off my admittedly patchy geography skills. Yes, folks, I DO know where the United Arab Emirates are, despite being an dumb American.
Friday: spat with parents due to my own internal bitchiness. Also learned that I cannot for the life of me sing in pop/rock style. *Wince* What I do is called adult contemporary. Ballads. Celine Dion type sh*t. The only trouble with adult contemporary is, excepting my odd little self, nobody under the age of 18 listens to the stuff. They all want pop/rock. So much for that audition >=^P
Today: Arcanum will not load despite every bit of computer wizardry my stepdad knows. Also sitting here cataloguing my life. Enduring vertigo related to intense allergy trouble. Praying for rain so the pollen will be reduced and I can go back to feeling like a normal human being again.
Other stuff:
Listening: Nothing at the moment.
Watching: Rather half-heartedly, some sort of legal drama on HBO Signature with Gene Hackman.
Thinking: Life is good. Mostly. Now if only they would outlaw Mondays...
Reading: Ender's Shadow by Orson Scott Card, Infinity's Shore by David Brin, and Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. (You may have noticed that I tend to read more than one book at a time ;^) Can't keep my attention on any one book for too long, I'm hyper that way.)
Wanting: Pizza or donuts, one of the two. And driving lessons.
That about does it for the moment.