Steal My Sunshine
Drinking Coffee and Polishing My Halo

Mwa-hahaahaha! I KNEW IT I KNEW IT! *SMACK* ^_^ Anyway, the more interesting stuff:
People like talking to me. Not just on the Net--I've had total strangers come up to me and start telling me all about them, talking away as if I've been friends with them for years. I'm always like, "do I--know you?" Honestly, what's the big deal? I'm nothing special, you know. Honest I'm not. ^^;
I'm not saying that to get humility points either--I'm saying it because it's true. This pedestal is awful high, you know--it's going to hurt like the devil when I fall off ^^;
Sometimes the weight's on me
Most people never see
You think that everything's a miracle
Well I don't --"Weight", by God Lives Underwater
I guess I should be grateful, and I would be, except it's frightening. I'm strong enough to bear the weight, that isn't the question. It's more like "Why turn to me? Why not to yourself?" Frequently the people who want me to carry them can do it on their own. Let's pick someone in my realtime social life, from off-Net, and call her Martha. It's easier to use her as an example, since it's my mom she clings to and not me--that way I can stay more objective about it.
She's always calling my mom her "mommy", and hugging her and asking her for advice and stuff. Then when mom offers it, Martha laughs it off. I always tell it as straight as I can, and the straight truth here is: Martha really doesn't want the advice. She just wants someone to pity her. And my mom, being the gentle-heart that she is, does--despite knowing that it's not good for either of them, and really thinking Martha's kind of obnoxious. (Note: Martha is not the neighbor-lady with the cats. Thought I'd clear that up.)
I have less of an issue with it than mom does, I think: if someone hangs on me, and isn't wanted, I make it clear. All it takes is a subtle lift of the eyebrow, and a soft, coldly polite, "I'm sorry...I don't believe we've met." I don't have to be cruel--cruelty isn't the point. I have my space and they have theirs, and they better learn which is which and fast, before I drop-kick them into next week *smiles angellically*.
That doesn't stop them from coming to me in droves. But it doesn't matter, really: I can deflect them all. I can deflect anyone. Inside, nothing and no one gets to me, except the people I let in. Consider yourselves lucky, you few with the keys to the tower. ;^D
That's what drives Kahn bonkers: I've locked him out, and he knows it. And not all the pounding on the door in all the world is going to get him in. *Innocently sips coffee* :^D Now there again, I've never been insulting. A simple, hard, "no, sir" every few moments during a phone conversation does it. Ocassionally, he'll try that oldest of seige tactics: questions about my personal life. I have greek fire ready for those: the truth.
Mark well: nothing shuts people up faster than telling them the truth. =^D
Try this one on for size:
WHINY LADY ON THE PHONE ASKING FOR DONATIONS: May I speak to (usually mom or stepdad)?
ME: Sorry, she/he is not available. May I take a message?
WHINY LADY: (sensing my evasion tactic, she goes off into her script about whatever organization it is and why I should give them money.)
ME: (gently cutting her off) Sorry madam, but I am not authorized to make those decisions.
WHINY LADY: You're not?
ME: No. Sorry about that. Have a good day. (Hang up)
See? No one can battle something when it's true ^_^
Last night me and couz had a spiffy talk, on the order of purple lightsabers and their application to certain members of the feline race. *Grins* Actually, with a 'saber as powerful as Mace Windu's, it'd probably just vaporize the little hairball instantly, leaving behind some scorched fur and a triumphant Dark Side trainee ;^D
*as Yoda* Powerful, that 'saber is. Opened the can, I did. =^D
Oh, and L? That's a survey I can skip, darling ;^P I am of the "my likes and dislikes are my business" school ;^D
That's my Scorpio moon doing the talking--the most intensely private sign of the zodiac rules my inner self. Like I said before: I have my space, others have theirs. It's a large enough sandbox that we can all get along without treading upon each other :^D
Nyohah, come out and play! Pwease *makes puppy dog eyes* it's weekend, come on out, I promise we'll all play nice ;^)
Oh, Jaz? I picked a Fear Factory theme for meinself: "Freedom Or Fire" =^D I really likey that one ^_^
Bye all, I got stuff to do with my website. Wait'll you see what I've got planned...