Saturday, December 15, 2001

"Tell me what has become of my rights
Am I invisible 'cause you ignore me?
...All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us..."

I speak, of course, of Lycos Ubercorp and their Analfire web-hosting system :^P Where do they get off deciding who should and shouldn't link which files where on their system? I mean really. It's not as if one little upload of some point-8-K file is going to suddenly bankrupt their whole stupid company :^P

The next person to tell me how remote-linking is a form of bandwidth theft gets an elbow in the mouth. Listen up: When a free service OFFERS you remote-linking capability in such-and-such a format, and then TAKES IT AWAY without so much as an announcement, that is not bandwidth theft. It's commercial idiocy at work =^P

Hope they're happy, and I hope it saves them a lot of money. :^P Judging by how many customers they're going to lose over this, they'll need all the help they can get :^P

* Slams Fist Overhead and Does "The Shout" * Bitter But Wiser, Jheti

Friday, December 14, 2001

Well hello again. After a long bath and a David Brin novel, the Universe looks that much brighter. You'd like him: Uplift ascribes to the idea that we're just "clients" of a massive Galactic intelligence that force-evolved us from monkeys through careful genetics =^) Which is an appealing side theory, and meantime the book is intelligent, entertaining, and above all, makes sense. His xenotypes have their own histories, cultures, languages, and thought-patterns. And oh yeah, Galactic Two sounds vaguely like Common in the Tales From the Outworld. What the heck are those? You'll find out soon enough ;^)

Have you ever been clean? I mean like so clean your hair squeaks when you wring it out? Feels good =^D My skin is all happy with me for putting lotion on it. Believe it or not, it DOES dry out in Florida in the winter, and I don't give a damn what anybody says about humidity. Humidity's nice, anyway. Most of the time. It only gets oppressive in June, and in August--the fabled Dog Days, where it's 101 (Farenheit) or more--in the SHADE. Days like that I wish I lived in Colorado or Arizona somewhere--at least I hear its a dry heat, over there...But then again, as I just said, I hate dried-out air almost as much as I hate June weather.

I love October: storm season. Thundershowers every evening, at around 5 o'clock. Thunder growling and the floorboards creaking in time as the rain and winds sing on my roof...One of about 4,221.8 perks I've discovered since moving into a two-story house: you can listen, really listen to the stuff going on outside. The effect just is not the same in a one-story building. I guess it's because you're higher up--either that or it's the hole in our ceiling ;^)

Nah, jus' kiddin'. We had that fixed weeks ago. it was a teeny-tiny problem involving a cracked board and a fistful of loose shingles. In other words it took three heated phone calls and a month and a half to convince the realtors that it merited repair--and then the job was done in an hour :^P

Whad' else? My cat's been eating the leaves off my Vietnamese Moon Valley Plant, lately. I call him (the plant) Fuzzball. He's really cool--got these self-standing, corrugated leaves that have a dust of fine "hairs" on them, probably a trick Fuzzy uses for pollination or somesuch in the wild...anyhow Kitana (the cat) figured out real quick that Fuzzy doesn't taste too good, and so she leaves him alone...Err, pardon the pun.

Eating a huge plate of scrambled eggs and chicken with salsa that Tenchi fixed me. Damn, the boy can cook. I'm jealous. I can't boil water without burning it first ;^P So much for the life of one Suzie Q. Homemaker, Esq. :^P

I'm off--got better things to do...

~*Squeaky Clean*, Jheti



"You know I love it, hate me, hit me some more..."

Thinking about the spider-woman-spider spirit. S(h)e means different things in different cultures. Here in the modern world, spiders are generally considered "icky" and like most "icky" things, are quickly splatted and then wiped up with disenfectant antibacterial cloth of some sort. :^P

The Japanese spider-girl, Kumo, wove magic cloth for a villager she had taken a fancy to. Confronted by her enemy the snake, she spun a web and with the assistance of the merciful sun (moon in some cases), wove a web that took her to the sky, out of harms way. Hence, so the story says, why the words for "cloud", and "spider" are the same in Japanese.

The Greek spider-queen, Arachne, paid for her insolence when daring to compare her humble workmanship to that of the mighty Athena. (She's starting to sound more and more familiar to me lately for some odd golly-gosh-I-dunno-why-reason...)

Native Americans insist Trickster-Spider is a he, and while obnoxious and riddlesome, he is also wise in his own way. Patron of the heyoka , in some cases. =^)

My favorite spider-queen, the Supreme Leader, fell victim to Captain EO's irresistible dance moves and space age (c. 1985) grooves, and became an angular-faced beauty-queen in a red dress...God I love that dress, it starts out purple and turns orange and yellow and red--a dress of shadows and flame. See if I can get my mom to copy it; she's wiz-bang with that needle and thread stuff, or as companions of mine term it, "major-way glim". No, not glam, glim. Short for glimmer. You'd never understand in a million years, but what the hell? 'Tisn't your log, anyhow. Nothing has to make sense to you. Get it, got it? Good. =^)

I dunno, that's another thing that's become a grind lately. Who do I write for? MYSELF.

God I miss you, Captain...*Pines* Ah, for the days when 3D glasses and a bassline could make everything alright...Those days are long gone, aren't they, Mon Capitan? *Sigh*

By the way, if you're wondering or if you're not, major-way is a compound word , hok'ta or heka depending on what region y'all hail from, and it's the non-Valley equivalent of "like totally!" It also means basic good or bad fortune. Sorta like karma, without the goes-around-comes-around principle.

Listening to "Harder Better Faster Stronger" looped into my headphones at deafening volume. I'm on my third cup of coffee and feeling aggressive. Rocking from the waist in this stupid rotating chair--I may spin around in circles for a while, see if that takes the edge off me :^D
In a word, I am WIRED !!!

Eheeeeeeeeeeee *Gleeful laughter*,

~Jheti The Unbreakable

Tuesday, December 11, 2001

Hi there. Welcome back, assuming you didn't run away--or fall asleep--long ago.

Now here's a thought: why oh why do we associate, and even hang out with, people we don't necessarily like? And I don't mean the idiot at work who hangs out by the water cooler and tries to pinch you when he thinks no one's watching. I mean people who are in the same social orbit as you...Seriously. You'd think it would be easy to say, "No, I don't care for your company, thanks." And yet nothing ever gets said, and still they remain, and so it goes, spiraling on down 'til the day you die. For instance, take this woman my mother knows; I'll call her Betty. Betty, for reasons unguessable, has decided that she and Mom are best buds -- despite Mom's discomfort with the situation. She can't say "I don't like you"; it complicates things in a much larger social environ. And Betty has no clue. So it's up to Mom to be nice to Betty, whether she likes her or not. Is that screwed up or what?

Eh, enough with the family dirty laundry ;^P

President made a speech today :^) Good speech; not because of the words he was saying, which were carefully packaged and designed by a team of writers he has most likely never even met, but because of the way he delivered it. He's got this way of looking up at the camera and BOOM! you've got the feeling that he's looking at you , and talking to you, and nobody else. I like his voice, too :^) That "we will get things done" kinda voice. He may not know what "misunderestimated" really means, but hey, neither do I ;^) I don't get why people hate him so much--in general, he seems like a basically likeable guy. So he's not as erudite as the last yoyo who sat atop Capitol Hill. Since when was the ability to lie to people -- and get caught, I might add -- a judge of whether or not you should be in power?

Enough of that, too. I can hear the noose being braided. About which I will say : what is right is not always popular.

*Gets Off The Soapbox*, ~Jheti

Sunday, December 09, 2001

ADVANCE WARNING: Profanity Ahead. (Being that I know at least one of my audience is sensitive to that sort of thing ;^) )

Things have gotten real cold lately, in more ways than one. "Are we having fun yet?"

Dialogue between Me and the Inner Child (supposing that there is such a thing, and that furthermore you even give a shit)

Child and I on a road trip:

CHILD: Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? *Whoops excitedly* Hell no, we won't go! Hell no, we won't go!

ME: If you don't shaddup, so help me, I'll turn this car right around!

CHILD (whimpers) : You're mean.

ME: And you're a brat. Shut the hell up!

Which begs the question: when did I turn into such a Grinch? I used to love the f*cking holidays. Now I pray for them to end. Quick and painless, the way people always joke about begging to die.

Christmas sucks.

On a lighter note, I own some purple tinsel which I am now wearing, boa-fashion, everywhere I go :^D Purty stuff :^) For the first time in a long time, I'm actually attracting attention. I love it :^D

I guess it'll all balance out. I do get to Shadowrun this evening. Raven spirit over my shoulder to guide my metahumanic self through the shattered barrens of the Sprawl to the little of the wild that is left in this cruel place...Ehh, don't mind me, just thinking in-character.

Verily, I couldst allow the situation to worsen--I couldst step into the armor of Jhetala, and REALLY take the piss out of nosy persons. *Smiles and waves* But no, I wouldn'tst do that to thee, honest I wouldn'tst. ;^P
