Saturday, May 17, 2003

Another Survey

Ripped From Foxie's dj (see sidebar for linx)

[ x ] Spell your first name backwards - on yaw

[ x ] The story behind your journal sign-off name - Took a pair of LotR quizzes which
informed me that I was Elrond, and that I lived in Moria.

[ x ] Are you a lesbian - who's asking?

[ x ] Where do you live - on my computer

[ x ] 4 words that sum you up - "WHAT did she say!?"


[ x ] Wallet - White leather zipup pocket-purse

[ x ] Hairbrush - Blue and plastic, dunno brand, don't care

[ x ] Toothbrush- one of those sonicare ones

[ x ] Jewelry worn daily - two Thai bhat chains, one longer than the other, 24K gold

[ x ] Pillow cover - pink hibiscus-ish flowers, sorta hawaiian looking and really cute

[ x ] Blanket - none yo' business. Plus smaller blue Harry Potter blanket

[ x ] Underwear- umm, Fruit of the Loom?

[ x ] Shoes - sparkle-threaded white sneakers

[ x ] Handbag - Red-and-navy checkered purse with gold heart false clip (it's actually velcro-fastened)

[ x ] Favorite top - The burgundy velour one, in a burned-out rose pattern. It's largely see-through >^D

[ x ] Cologne/Perfume - none, currently.

[ x ] CD in stereo right now - ripped Splashdown MP3s with a side of Fear Factory, Kittie, BT, and Jan Johnston. Obviously, I compiled it myself.

[ x ] Tattoos - None. Torn between the possibility of a rose or butterfly. Since I can never decide, I will never get one.

[ x ] Piercings - both ears, in which I cannot wear earrings because they were injured fifteen years ago and have never healed properly.

[ x ] What you are wearing now - underclothes, jean shorts, and a shirt with a bigass smiley face on it. And the gold chains.

[ x ] Hair - brownreddish, past the chin, above the shoulders

[ x ] Makeup - lip gloss; have a problem with dry lips

WHO or WHAT (was/is/are)

[ x ] In my mouth - umm, teeth?

[ x ] In my head - headache

[ x ] Wishing - that my head would stop hurting/that I had more caffiene

[ x ] After this - shower

[ x ] Talking to - myself? And whoever else is actually reading this.

[ x ] Eating - had coffee earlier. Must now consume what humans refer to as "food" or risk acid-stomach.

[ x ] If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason - I would eternally torture them instead, and never allow them the release of death.

[ x ] Person you wish you could see right now - I wish somebody would say she's okay, but she's really distraught right now

[ x ] Is next to you - mom is sort of in front of me, watching the TV which is in the corner (and luckily she can't see the comp monitor ;^) )

[ x ] Some of your favorite movies - favorite movie of all time is "Ghostbusters"

[ x ] Something you're looking forward to in the upcoming month - a project with a friend

[ x ] The last thing you ate - rice with beef

[ x ] Something that you are deathly afraid of - Wasps/hornets/yellowjackets

[ x ] Do you like candles - I don't really care about them

[ x ] Do you like hot wax - in what capacity?

[ x ] Do you like incense - yes, but actual authentic Japanese incense costs a lot for a little tiny bit, so I don't buy it often

[ x ] Do you like the taste of blood- YUM! *^_^*

[ x ] Do you believe in love - of course. "Do I believe I deserve it?" Is the question you should have asked...

[ x ] Do you believe in soul mates - yes.

[ x ] Do you believe in love at first sight - That's just skanks' way of justifying being stupid, irresponsible little sluts.

[ x ] Do you believe in Heaven - yes! PRETTY! With angels and things *^_^*

[ x ] Do you believe in forgiveness - I believe in the concept, but very rarely practice it, being much more partial to bitterness and revenge.

[ x ] Do you believe in God - which one?

[ x ] What do you want done with your body when you die - funeral (viewing unless I die in a car crash or meat grinder mishap or something), followed by organ donation (including skin).

[ x ] Who is your worst enemy - REALITY. DIE REALITY, DIE!!

[ x ] If you could have any animal for a pet: cat. And tankful of those tiny, neon-stripe silver fish. CLOUDS of them in a giant backlit tank. That would be SO pretty.

[ x ] What is the latest you've ever stayed up - *SINGS* All night long. Thru the nite 'til 6AM.

[ x ] Ever been to Belgium - why would I go to Belgium? *Blank stare*

[ x ] Can you eat with chopsticks - not well

[ x ] What's your favorite coin - ten yen. It's got a little square hole in the center and bamboo on it *^_^*

[ x ] What are 5 cities you wouldn't mind relocating to - Tokyo, DC, New York, Seattle, and Arlington

[ x ] What are some of your favorite pig out foods - cookies. I am a cookie freak. Steaming hot brownie buried in ice cream is a distant second. I'm also a sucker for those fancy frozen coffee things.

[ x ] What's something that you wish people would understand - that the 80's must be worshipped for the Golden Age they were

[ x ] What's something you wish you could understand better - how to find men that are not wimps, assholes, or some combination of the two

[ x ] Anyone you miss that you haven't seen in a long time - Belinda. She won't mind my saying it since I haven't seen her since I was six, and last I heard ('91) her father had orders Stateside and she doesn't know I'm writing about her right now.

[ x ] What's one thing you want to make happen for tomorrow - Matrix Reloaded tickets. Which, sadly, won't happen.

Thursday, May 15, 2003


It's All Relative

ME (sitting at computer reading Matrix fics on : Well, some of them are really really good, and some of them are really really bad.

TENCH: *Raising eyebrow at one of the really bad ones* I take it Mary-Sueism is rampant in the "Matrix" category.

ME: Well uh, actually, yeah.

TENCH: And how about the Mortal Kombat fans?

ME: (*blink blink*) Well, err, some of them have trouble spelling the word "the"...*SNICKER*

TENCH: You mean, "teh"?

ME: LmAo! Yeah basically...

TENCH: That is "teh" r0x0r! *Pacing around* That is "teh" best! Get me some of "teh" whiskey! *To the tune of the Star Wars Theme* Teh, teh, teh teh teh teh TEH teh!

ME: *laughing*

TENCH: You need to get all of this shit "teh"-gether! You are "teh" bomb! Hax0r l33t OMG!!

ME: *GASP laugh laugh, etc.*

TENCH: *goes over to tend houseplants*

ME *records it all in blog for posterity*

TENCH: You're not gonna tell them--what? The thing about Wilson Phillips? *SIIIIING* Don't you know, things'll change, things'll go your way...

ME: Okay, I think they've seen enough.

Bye, then, Peepz. *^_~*

Tuesday, May 13, 2003


AKA: "Help! Talking...and...Can't...Shut...Up!"

Note: This represents two and a half weeks' work, compressed for notation's sake. Even I have something like a life. Kinda sorta.

The prologue and requisite notes for War of the Roses are done, and the first chapter is about halfway finished. Of course, the big strategy is to finish the first six parts before I submit even one, so you won't be seeing hide nor hair of it for some time.

I started a stupid, songfic-like AU crossover. It's stuck at chapter two--which, in all honesty, is probably a good thing.

Long Way Down is still in roadblock-land.

On the other hand, I did write a Matrix ficlet. An Agent Smith bit, naturally *^_^*

I've got to quit's even letting Agents in! Smith "sat" with me and hissed in my ear yesterday. Totally would not go away.

He chose a ladder-backed chair, very emphatically turned it 'round--just missing my foot--and sat in it backwards, chin resting on crossed hands. Without so much as a "Good morning, Mr. Anderson," he began the story.

Even the mutants are scared of him.

The ending was tricky. In the end I took bits from four seperate versions--he's a pontificator--and achieved what (I hope) is the smoothest transition between them.

Yes, it's angst. So's First Man on the Sun and Torn Apart and, technically, Shadows ('Leena won't "talk" to me, with Smith around).

Short version of my writing pattern:

Angst, angst, angst, fluff, smut, smutfluff, angstfluff, angst, angst, angst, fluff.

What can I say? My characters are whiny ^^;

I did some image-farming for that project. I'm pissed as hell that I can't find any good Utena chibis, but I suppose life goes on. Found an absolutely perfect Juri picture, a lambent and weird Miki picture, and some terrific, un-colored Anthy lineart.

I probably won't use any of it, but hey, since when has usefulness (or a lack thereof) precluded me from babbling?

Don't answer that! ^^;

I also made a half-assed mutantshipping image manip. I'm just obsessed with the Armory or something. Yeah, it's horrible. So what? I never said I was talented, you know >^P

Gah. My sinuses are killing me. >_<

Seeya peepz, I'm off for some painkillers.

*Limps toward the medicine cabinet*.