Morning Spectrums
Colorful Mood

What kind of ANGEL are you?
Quiz made by Angela
Go outside for a moment. Go on. Go feel the tender grass under your bare feet. Feel the breeze ruffle your hair. Stare up at the sky and watch the perfect clouds for a moment and realize that grandest of things: summer is here! (Not that that matters, in my case, having graduated from high school. But it doesn't diminish the beauty of life outside, out in the sun.)
Litmus test! BAH! Jhera needs no litmus test! She's my Sue because I say she is!
Although I might as well score her on one, hang on a sec...
I borrowed this from Thraxsbaby, one of Foxbaby's connections. It was originally a Gargoyles test, which she made into a Matrix test, which I am now plugging into Mortal Kombat. It's gonna be a bumpy night, and all that ;^P
Section 1 - The Name Game
Is the character named after you?[10]
Is the character's name an unusual spelling of a more common name or word?[1]
-Err? Her name is Nordic for "year", I'll give that a half-point.
Is the character's name unusual in another way?
A female with a male-sounding name?[1]
A name the character chose for him or herself, because s/he "didn't want to forget"?[1]
-No. And her later nom de guerre was not her choice either, so "No" there as well.
A noun or adjective not normally used for a name?[1]
Does the character have a really cool name that you wish you had?[1]
-In a word, no.
Is the character's name in the title of the story?[5]?
-No! What do I look like, a twelve year-old? Eeeesh.
Does the character have more than one name? (i.e. a nickname or a pseudonym that other you use to refer to the character)[1]
-Yep, Jerrod made her change it, it looked more "kombatish" on the scroll as Jhetala. So yes.
Did you spend more than a day looking for just the right name?[1]
-Hell no. =^P
Have you considered naming your pet or child the character's name[1]?
-Arrgh! NO!
Section 2 - Physical Attributes
Is the character the same gender as you?[1]
Is the character from the same racial group as you? (Note: if the character is a gargoyle, fay, or another magical/genetically altered being, answer yes to this question.)[1]
-Err? Not strictly speaking, no, but she is white, so Yes.
Is the character a hybrid of two or more species?[3]
Is the character a cross-breed of any other type?[1]
Is the character not subject to limitations normally put upon someone of this species?[4]
Is the character a teenager or in her/his early twenties?[1]
-Yep (*guilty grin*) I made her quite young, fourteen-ish, although in her culture that's a woman ;^P
Does the character look like s/he is a teenager or in her/his early twenties for no apparent reason[2]?
-Half-point since it happens during the New Era
For a magical or special scientific reason[2]?
-Half-point since it comes to pass during the New Era
That you plan on making a plot point later?[1]
-Not really *shrug*
Is the character the age you would like to be?[1]
-Hell no! In my thirties? No thank you I'd rather experience my twenties first! :^P
Is the character beautiful or roguishly handsome?[1]
-Nope nope.
Does one or more of the regulars find the character highly attractive?[1]
Do other regulars see him/her as a threat because of this?[1]
Does the character have an unusual eye color for no apparent reason?[3]
Will this be a plot point later?[1]
Does the character have really nice hair that you describe more than once, or on the first page?[1]
-Hmm, Shang Tsung mentions her hair color in an insult, (and that's the only time it's ever mentioned) does that count? I'm thinking no. :^P
Does the character have an accent which you do not share?[1]
Section 3 - Personal Traits
Is the character the long-lost child or descendent or sibling of a regular or recurring character?[1]
Of Liu Kang and/or Kitana?[2]
-No (*doesn't even want to think about it >_< * )
Of Johnny and/or Sonya?[2]
Of another original character for whom you intend to write another story or even another series?[1]
-No (her parents are dead and I never thought about them, so no.)
Was the character adopted or did he/she otherwise live with people who were not his/her parents as a child?[1]
-No (okay, we'll amend this: they're rather recently dead. By which time she has no trouble living on her own, thankest thee very much! ;^P)
Is the character last survivor of their Realm?[1]
-Not by a long shot
Did the character have a tragic youth?[3]
Does the character suffer from guilt about something terrible that s/he did in the past?[1]
-From something she could not prevent, so half-point
Do the other characters eventually convince her/him that it was not his/her fault?[1]
-An original tries, half-point
Does the character share your religious beliefs?[1] (Add an extra point if the character is an Agent)
Did the character have an unusual birth?[1]
Does the character have a twin, a clone, or a sibling of the same gender?[2]
About whom you plan on writing another story later?[2]
-(see above)
Does the character have a very good singing voice?[2]
-Are you kidding? NO!
Or play a musical instrument amazingly well?[1]
-*Getting frustrated* WTF is it with all these musical questions! NO ALREADY!
The guitar or flute, for instance?[2]
-(see above)
Does the character have better taste in music than you do?[1]
-(see above) she likes rap *shudder shudder* so NO
Does the character do what you do for fun or profit?[1]
Is the character royalty of any type?[3]
That she/he does not originally know about?[3]
Does the character make wisecracks incessantly?[1]
Because the wisecracking regular is your favorite character?[1]
Does everyone end up liking the character (among the regulars you like)?[1]
-No. Most of them hate her *grins devillishly*.
Section 4 - Super Powers
(Mortal Kombat) :
Is the character stronger and faster than, say Liu Kang, Rayden, or Scorpion?[1]
For no particular reason?[2]
Has the character ever won the Tournament?[1]
Does the character have magical abilities, esp. the soul-theft or morphing powers of Shang Tsung/Shao Kahn? [1]
Can he/she change into a dragon?[5]
-No (I don't particularly care for dragons, actually)
Can he/she use lightning? Especially in any way shape or form like Rayden? [1]
The Rest:
Does the character have magical/mutant powers?[2]
-Yep, future-vision *guilty grins*
Does the character have telekinesis or telepathy? (Twins count.)[2]
Does the character just "know things" for no apparent reason?[2]
Can the character fly?[1]
Without the aid of wings?[2]
Can the character heal with a touch and/or thought?[1]
Do animals (especially fuzzy ones) instinctively like the character?[2] (Take away two points if the only animals that like the character are non-butterfly insects and crawly lizard-types.)
Section 5 - The Love Connection
Does the character fall in love with and/or have sex with Rayden and/or Liu Kang and/or Kitana?[2]
-(*BARF*) NO!
Because you want to have sex with Rayden and/or Liu Kang and/or Kitana?[1]
Does the character fall in love with and/or have sex with a secondary character from the movie?[1]
With whom you would like to fall in love and/or have sex?[1]
Does the character fall in love with and/or have sex with another original character?[1]
With whom you would like to fall in love and/or have sex?[1]
Does the story end with the character's wedding?[2]
-No no NO NO NO! NO!
Section 6 - The Real World and Your Character
Would you like to be friends with the character if you met in real life?[1]
-Yeah sure why not, yes. *Shrug*
Do you think everyone who reads the story should automatically like the character and want to be friends with the character?[1]
-No. In fact most of them hate her *grins*.
If someone tells you he/she doesn't like your character, do you take it as a personal attack on you?[1]
Do you ever pretend, just to yourself, that you are the character, with the same strengths and abilities?[1]
-Uhh...*beet red* I plead the fifth. ;^) (That means yes for those of us who don't know our Miranda rights ;^) )
Section 7 - The Fiendish Plot
Do you introduce the character on the first page of the story?[2]
Do you tell the story from the character's point of view, all or mostly?[1]
Does the character meet Rayden, Liu, Kitana et. al., and after a few tense pages of plot, become friends with them?[2]
-No. Although Sindel took a shine to her way back when so it's one point.
Does the character manage to develop a friendship with an otherwise villainous character, and through this friendship, reform the other character?[2]
-No. (Does trying to behead him count? Somehow I'm thinking no.)
Is the villain in question Shang Tsung?[1]
-No (well it is, but seeing as she wants to kill him, not save him, the answer is no.)
Does the villain become evil again after the character dies, but retain some last vestige of goodness from his/her interaction with the character, evidenced in one selfless action at the end of the story?[4]
-F*cking hell no!
Is the character transformed into a magical or genetically-altered being?[5]
Is the character happier in her/his new form?[1]
Do people like the character better in her/his new form?[1]
Do you wish you could be transformed because of the neat powers?[1]
Does the character save the day and/or another character's life?[3]
-No. Is there primarily to save her own ass and drop Shang Tsung like a bad habit. ;^)
Through magical/mystical intervention?[1]
Through dying?[3]
Through almost dying?[2]
Does everyone go into mourning?[1]
Does s/he get not-dead by the end of the story?[4]
Will s/he get not-dead in the sequel?[4]
Does the character go to Valhalla at the end of the story?[2]
-One point, she makes it to Folkvand ;^)
Do you plan to write many more stories revolving around this character?[1]
-She occupies two different slices of time, that would be a yes so one point.
Total: 16.5
Ahh, a nice, comfy borderline Sue *grins*. Not quite as badly annoying as I wanted her to be, but oh well. I should have given her more musical ability, drat it all! :^D
Not much new here, same as ever, cranking the volume under the stress. *Creed's "What If" pounding out of the stereo*. Great, at this rate I'll blow the speakers in no time. Six weeks, just six more weeks and my house is mine again...
Oh, here's that quizzie: