The Longest Kiss
Peeling Furniture Days
How do? Well, I hope.
I'm not going to be around for the next two weeks or so; I'll be way, way out of state, in a place where modems are feared and hunted for the delicious meat under their casings. So yeah. No Jheti for two weeks.
Oh, for the love of--STOP cheering >^P
Yesterday on the Net, I was lurking around someplace familiar. One of many little fic havens that make people blink and go "HOW did you find this again?" I was getting ready to settle into my old habits there when something profound came over me. A kind of easy, footloose and fancy-free sort of vibe.
I realized I just don't care anymore.
I'm sitting there, like, with this obligation to say something witty and be a shiny happy person and I'm thinking "I. do. not. give. a. shit." So I clicked a random exit-link and set off for nowhere in particular.
Which inevitably led me back to that strangely compelling torture chamber.
Which somehow got me to a Smith/Neo group. It's no surprise that they have groups for this kind of thing. I'd just never seen one for my ship before. (Hell, YOU try finding anything Mileena/Baraka. You'll be disappointed...and there. is. no. such. thing. as Kitana/Mileena. I know. I've looked. STOP staring at me like that. You know you love the twins...I'll do you a favor and skip the Sonya/Jax rant >^D)
I've managed to fall into a ship that actually has support for it. Oh happy day.
No, no. Actually it's more like this:
!*^_^*! Woo-hoo!
It's weird. My Neo comes off dominant O_o
I see him as Smith's torturer. Not in THAT sense. People are always looking for the outer wounds. The ones inside are so much more interesting. They're the ones that don't heal, ever, and never go away.
So you could say that, the way I see it, Smith wears the pants, but Neo's in control.
In the first movie, Smith was unquestionably, undeniably, on top of things. Hell, he even got to Morpheus, for awhile there. (Presumably, he killed Mouse as well.)
That changed in the third act. His power over the situation ended when Neo became the One.
Has no one else noticed that they were very literally inside each other for a moment, there? And for a computer, a mechanical mind thinking more quickly than any human could ever hope to, that moment was an eternity. It was a completeness, a total exhilerating union with everything one purported to hate. It was like, (to use a cheap plugin metaphor), touching the hand of God.
And then Smith "died". Torn to pieces by the very thing that made him whole. Taunted, baited, hunted by the thing he dreams about. Freed from the system and set adrift in an elaborate prison for the brain.
He's basically had the best sex ever and been thrown out with the sheets the next morning.
Frankly, no wonder he's pissed.
If you don't see the larger implications in the burly brawl, well, then there's no h0p3 for j00.
Here, put your well-equipped Freudian ear to the Revolutions trailer:
"Mr. Anderson, welcome back. We missed you."
"It ends tonight."
*Mutter to self* They never see.
Oh, well.
And now that you're through the page of ranting, a rundown of my life for the past few days.
Spent them with Catlady. Who, in the weirdest of cosmic ironies, has become a good friend of the family. So yeah. Me, her, mom, and endless talk about nothing in particular. Fun as hell. *^_^*
In other news, I'm not sleeping well. *Blinks* Rest? What is this 'rest' you speak of?
It's the stress. I won't feel better 'til I get to my aunt's. Possibly not even then.
Jesus, my jaw hurts >_< Clenched my teeth in my sleep.
I've got my own computer. Finally. Of course, it completely doesn't work atm, but that isn't the point. I'd be more enthused about it, but like I said, it doesn't work, so forgive me if I'm not falling all over myself about how great it is :^P
Stepdad has Dungeon Siege wallpaper. Nyohah would like that; this chick looks like a slightly butch rendition of Lireche. Not that she's even talking to me anymore, but hey, whatever. She's busy or something.
Being the naive idiot I am, I tend to believe people still like me until or unless they tell me off. Then again, at least I'm honest about being a naive idiot...
Okay. Had enough of that.
I guess I'll bring you back tales of whatever happens to me in Wisconsin.
Seeing as I know you're all poised on the edges of your seats, and everything.
Why is it that all the mainstream media seems to understand is that "fanfiction = Harry Potter slash"?
Is it just that the other puny fandoms are beneath their notice?
Or could it be that everyone working prominently in journalism has dirty minds?
I know which verdict I prefer >^D
See you 'round, people.