Dreaming of Unicorns
Girls Work Under Floors
Just when I'd given up faith in my subconcious, there follow beautiful dreams.
A darkened dance-hall, people pressed together so tight that the crowd is one creature, whipped about like seaweed in a whirlpool. The bassline anchors their feet but not their hands, which are aimlessly motioning in the direction of the ceiling--or whichever way they happen to be staggering. One of them, a skinny acne-faced fellow with yellow sunglasses, is tripping bad on something and speaking in tongues dictated to him by the hallucinogenic gods in his head.
A girl in a violet nylon wig that strains to the floor--(I see her with the false-memory of dreams, walking out of David Lee's Wigs a week earlier; that's a real store in the waking-world, btw...) On her babydoll shirt with the red-blue-yellow bands at the sleeves is a drawing of a unicorn, its horn a hologram, a focal point that glitters in the dizzying lights overhead.
The track "Zombie Nation" becomes "Derb" becomes "Castles In The Sky" becomes a song that does not exist in the waking-world--an agonizingly beautiful tune in harmonic minor that I've "heard" before, that I created, but can never remember when I wake up...
And the dream changes. I am the unicorn, free and flying without the wings that burden my cousin Pegasus--I am running so fast that the clouds are solid as paving stones beneath my feet. My laughter is like silver and crystal bells, the wind deep in my ice-pale mane. On the edge of my vision, at the top of my forehead, I can just see the point of my horn, glimmering in a thousand rainbow colors.
In the culture I dream in, think in; the culture my nanna chanted in, sang me to sleep in--the unicorn is a messenger of the gods. A "purity" symbol without the stupid sexual-identity issues Western thought heaps on that word. A sword of truth, if you will. Or that is how she explained him to me--for a unicorn is almost always a male creature, without feminine association that plagues him on this side of the world.
I haven't dreamed about unicorns in a long time.
Does any of that mean anything? Probably not. Does it matter?
Sit down and be entertained, once in a while ;^) It's legal, you know ;^)
Aside from that--I drew the Empress, and Judgement, and Temperance. My horoscope advises to think before I speak, and then chatter away to my heart's content.
Sounds like a plan :^D
Could my day be any more swell? Somehow I just don't think so =^D
Soundtrack: "Castles In The Sky" (Ian Van Dahl) You don't like my little jukebox from Hell? Then don't listen =^P