Friday, April 05, 2002

Dreaming of Unicorns

Girls Work Under Floors

Just when I'd given up faith in my subconcious, there follow beautiful dreams.

A darkened dance-hall, people pressed together so tight that the crowd is one creature, whipped about like seaweed in a whirlpool. The bassline anchors their feet but not their hands, which are aimlessly motioning in the direction of the ceiling--or whichever way they happen to be staggering. One of them, a skinny acne-faced fellow with yellow sunglasses, is tripping bad on something and speaking in tongues dictated to him by the hallucinogenic gods in his head.

A girl in a violet nylon wig that strains to the floor--(I see her with the false-memory of dreams, walking out of David Lee's Wigs a week earlier; that's a real store in the waking-world, btw...) On her babydoll shirt with the red-blue-yellow bands at the sleeves is a drawing of a unicorn, its horn a hologram, a focal point that glitters in the dizzying lights overhead.

The track "Zombie Nation" becomes "Derb" becomes "Castles In The Sky" becomes a song that does not exist in the waking-world--an agonizingly beautiful tune in harmonic minor that I've "heard" before, that I created, but can never remember when I wake up...

And the dream changes. I am the unicorn, free and flying without the wings that burden my cousin Pegasus--I am running so fast that the clouds are solid as paving stones beneath my feet. My laughter is like silver and crystal bells, the wind deep in my ice-pale mane. On the edge of my vision, at the top of my forehead, I can just see the point of my horn, glimmering in a thousand rainbow colors.

In the culture I dream in, think in; the culture my nanna chanted in, sang me to sleep in--the unicorn is a messenger of the gods. A "purity" symbol without the stupid sexual-identity issues Western thought heaps on that word. A sword of truth, if you will. Or that is how she explained him to me--for a unicorn is almost always a male creature, without feminine association that plagues him on this side of the world.

I haven't dreamed about unicorns in a long time.

Does any of that mean anything? Probably not. Does it matter?

Sit down and be entertained, once in a while ;^) It's legal, you know ;^)

Aside from that--I drew the Empress, and Judgement, and Temperance. My horoscope advises to think before I speak, and then chatter away to my heart's content.

Sounds like a plan :^D

Could my day be any more swell? Somehow I just don't think so =^D

Soundtrack: "Castles In The Sky" (Ian Van Dahl) You don't like my little jukebox from Hell? Then don't listen =^P

Wednesday, April 03, 2002

Some Other Brilliant Title

On A Morning Unbeautiful

There isn't a monopoly in common sense
On either side of the political fence...

*Cans the torch-singing* Gads, I hate cable television. Particularly the news. That's all I'm saying.
What do I use the television for? You mean besides as a fancy resting-place for my Beta VCR? (Actually, it's in the garage at the moment, but we won't go into that...)

Back to the original point: what do I watch on TV? Johnny Bravo, Samurai Jack, and a bunch of spy shows from the mid-80's.

Why? Why watch such low-level, go-for-the-gut, unsubtle, uncultured drivel?

Three major reasons.

1) I gotta be me

2) I LIKE cartoons and cheesy detective shows (Tom Selleck as Scooby Doo with a Ferrari, in a mansion, in Paradise, with NO BRATTY KIDS! What's not to like?)

3) By the time I've sat and processed loan applications for eight hours a day, my brain is too fried to absorb anything more thought-inducing. Including comic books.

Why am I telling you this?
Do I have to have a reason for everything? No? Well, there you have it.

Well, Tenchi's not dying from cancer, that's a relief.

Say WHAT? Oh right, better break out the explanations:

See, about a month back he told me he noticed what looked like a growth that shouldn't be there. I told the parental units, then made him repeat his fess-up to them as he had to me. And we all sweated it out and got him into the doctor. And...

It's fine. It's an ordinary muscular contusion, with some long fakey-sounding Latin name. Painful yes. Requiring surgery, without question. (He goes in for that in about two weeks.) But anyhow the point of the post is that he'll live.

He's alive, he's ALIVE, bwahahahaha... * < / Dr. Frankenstein impression > *

Got mail from Jaz =^D I felt so so sooo guilty about only giving her one short mail like that, but hell, she was busy :^) Missed thou :^) Was good to hear from thee :^)

And a certain Harry Potter fic-authoress: comments on your stories, should you be wanting them anymore, will continue to arrive as promised :^D Everything else is, for the moment, sewage under the bridge. ;^P

How did I end up a beta-reader anyway?

Girls work under floors
The failures tend the moors...

God I love that song. :^D

It's been an OK day. My fertility is asserting itself again =^P *Mutters the usual curses against biology*.

Soundtrack: New Breed (Fear Factory) You don't like my little jukebox from Hell? Then don't listen. =^P


Sunday, March 31, 2002


Walking on a Wire, and There's No One At All To Break My Fall

*Shakes head* Compliments accepted. :^D I can be an ass sometimes, can't I?

I blame it on the cough medicine. Turns out I experience violently the "minor side effect" of dizziness with medicines containing chlorpheniramine. A MINOR side-effect, eh? It sent me tumbling down the stairs--twice--within twenty minutes. I was so dizzy I almost lost my breakfast, and I probably should have, just to get the stuff out of my system. Minor side-effect, my ass. Strangely, its cousin psuedoephedrine doesn't effect me adversely at all.

Ephedrines are the compounds that are SUPPOSED to cause dizziness, shortness of breath, heart attacks blah blah blah, and they're great for me. The "evil" medications are of great help to me. The ones that are supposed to be "benign" almost caused me to split my skull on the banister. Go figure =^P

(I'm not kidding. You can't make this shit up. Or anyway, I can't. I lack the ingenuity. :^P)

It might seem, to certain friends, as if I've one-eightied myself. (Get your mind out of the gutter ;^P It means a sudden drastic turnaround in thought or personality). Rest assured on this point: I haven't. May I offer an apology for brashness? And tea and crumpets, whilst we're at it? I meant to break it to you gently, but then again, socially I have always been--and likely will always be--the proverbial bull in the china shop. Anyhow, the apology stands.

Poor Jaz :^( I was harsh, wasn't I? Like I said: I can be an ass sometimes :,^( *Sneaks up and hugs* Sorry, girlie. I meant well.

This has been a day for apologizing. I find it odd that my own Good Friday should occur on Easter Morning.
Damn. How's THAT for delusions of grandeur? Not to mention a martyr complex? *Falls flat on her ass laughing at herself*. I had fun coming up with the metaphor though =^)

Actually, despite the morose quality of the text, I feel rather good. I ran some of my fic past my original reader, as I could--not--get over the Tanya cliffhanger at the end of the first part. His response? A re-write that sees our exhausted heroine dropped into a fight with eight-to-one odds. Now that is an option I hadn't forseen. Kick-ass, bro.

(It's nobody any of you know ;^) Oh fine, it's my stepdad. He's actually a pretty cool guy, for a Sub-Zero fanatic--pun intended. ;^P)

Oh man oh man oh man I CAN NOT get over Sojourn. And I haven't even bought an issue yet, 'cause I'm broke as usual. So I'm stuck reading summaries and pining. :^P

Plot of the CrossGen Universe: the Ancients gave Sigils to integral figures on each planet in the CrossGen system. (The Sigil being a stylized yin-yang mark, representing both good and evil power).

Plot of "Sojourn": in ages past, on the world of Quin, the warlord Mordath reigned supreme. His savage troll armies decimated all opposition. Nothing could stop him--except for the legendary hero Ayden, using the power of a mystic arrow. Mordath was turned back, defeated, and all was well for many a year.

Until Mordath posthumously inherited the Sigil. He has since corrupted it into a symbol of perfect evil. It is a hated sign, under which he rules anew with an iron fist.

None of this would have been of concern to Arwyn, if it hadn't meant the death of her husband and child.

Bereaved, enraged, she swore revenge. She knew, however, that she must first of all survive--this was a fight she had to win, or her vengeance would mean nothing.

With the aid of Gareth, one-eyed master archer who taught her the ways of the bow, and her loyal canine Kreeg, a gift from her late husband, she must find the five fragments of Ayden's legendary arrow and confront Mordath.

Along the way, the trio encounters the mysterious woman Neven, who reveals that Arwyn will, indeed, be the one to slay Mordath. Neven still knows more than she's telling, however...

EEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEeeee *Big big geeky grins* =^D

Unfortunately, sales execs at CrossGen underestimated the demand for it, and so the first issue of Sojourn is already valued at 7$, and the price is climbing astronomically...*Sigh*. Then there's the matter of the six back-issues, plus prequel. *Does a little math* that's about thirty bucks that I just do--not--have. And by the time I finally do get it, I'll still be playing catch-up. *Double Sigh*

At this point, I may as well wait for the graphic novel :^P

Anyway, enough whining, I'm off to go write...