Saturday, July 19, 2003


*Licks Nearest Hapless Male To Death*


Which Sexy Comic Book Woman Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Sweet deal! I'm Vampirella! *SQUEE!*

PH33R ME >^D

Friday, July 18, 2003

Up And Gone

Seismic Event? Hardly.

Heyo ^_^

Back from trip.

Surprisingly, my aunt actually had dial-up...

But Blogger takes a MILLION years to load in dial-up...

And (gripe I've had for a long LONG LONG time) no personal icons.

I fixed that.

Go look-see.

(Don't care if you don't, and/or skim, it's fucking LONG; it's sorta my travelogue.)

Or just peek at my user-pics. THOSE are cool. *Preen*. ^_^

Huh? Oh. Just a character from a random cheesecake comic book I used to follow.

Later. ^_^

Got a pile of dirty dishes that's frighteningly high; I'm seriously worried things are going to tip out of the sink and shatter on the floor if I don't hussssssssstttttllle!

*Runs after the dishes* !!