The Survey
I Don't Have Time For More Important Thoughts
Obligatory disclaimer: via foxie who got it from urbandoll
Here you go:
Name: sorry, answers must be in the form of a question. NEXT!
Sex: femme
Age: 19
Screen Name: more than one ^_^
Meaning: of having more than one screen-name? It annoys the shit out of people *grins*.
Birthday: January 4
Place of Birth: Oakland Naval Hospital. "I think it's across the bay, in Alameda."--Whee! Pointless Star Trek reference :^D
Siblings: one younger bro
Pets: cat, parakeet, currently co-habitating two small demons disguised as cats
Height: 5'2" on the nose
Hair Color: auburn. Soon to have blue bits in it.
Hair Color of Choice: Purple. Really dark, Psylocke-style indigo purple.
Eye Color: umm, driving permit says Hazel. Don't listen to 'em, my eyes are gold :^)
Eye Color of Choice: ?? My eyes are very pretty! =^P
Writing Hand: *Chanting* LEFT! LEFT! LEFT!
Nervous Habits: twisting my hair, biting my nails, catatonia
Do you bite your nails? see above, dimwit
Do you pick your nose? do you?
Are you double jointed? HELL no. That's freaky. Wish I was, tho'.
Can you roll your tongue? Yep yep *rolls tongue* theee? ^_^
Can you raise one eyebrow at a time? Yup, right eyebrow :^D
Can you blow smoke rings? Eeeew, cancer sticks. Gross :^P
Can you blow spit bubbles? Uhh, that's assuming I'd want to? Sure, I guess...
Can you flare your nostrils? Not when I'm TRYING to, but I've been told I do
Can you cross your eyes? Yep *crosses eyes and rolls tongue at the same time*
Tattoos? nope
Piercings and where? ears. They tore 15 years ago, still waiting for them to heal *wince*.
Do you make your bed daily? More like once/twice a month *shrug*
What goes on first, bra or underwear? bra
Which shoe goes on first? right
Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone? You mean you haven't? You don't know what you're missing *smiles evilly*.
On the average, how much money do you carry in your purse/wallet? $2-$3. Whadd'yu think I am? Rich? *Dies laughing*
What jewelry do you wear 24/7? My 24k gold chains from Thailand ^_^ Family heirloom ^_^
What's sexiest on a guy? rrrr the back-side (this includes back, neck and shoulders). Umm, eyes. Was I SUPPOSED to say his personality? *looks innocent*
Would you rather be on time and look OK or 10 minutes late and look great? I'm always early and crisply dressed. I enjoy intimidating everyone else :^D
Favorite Piece of Clothing: That would be the gold chains ^_^
Pajamas: My coral t-shirt with the pretty embroidered flowers on it :^D
Do you wind your spaghetti or cut it? Wind it!
Have you ever eaten Spam? Out of total economic desperation, yes.
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor? mint with chocolate bits, or cookies-and-cream.
How many cereals in your cabinet? we're not cereal people. Toast and coffee, baby!
What's your favorite beverage? milk ^_^
What's your favorite restaurant? Wendy's
What utensils do you use to eat pizza? My hands
Do you cook? *Shrug* You could survive on my cooking.
How often do you brush your teeth? twice every day.
How often do you shower/bathe? every morning.
How long does your shower last? 15 minutes (depends on if I'm singing or not ;^) )
Hair drying method? Wrapped in a big fluffy towel ^_^
Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair? Once or twice, about to do it again.
If that fountain of youth existed, would you drink it? screw that! I want absolute power over my own kingdom of willing mansluts!
Do you paint your nails? Now and then *shrug*.
Would you rather have genital herpes or be 50 lbs. overweight? I'd rather be fat than have bleeding sores all over my intimates for the rest of my life, thank you.
Do you swear? you're fulla sh*t if you're pretending you don't. *grins*
Do you ever spit? umm, sinus sufferer much? *That would be a yes*. But only into tissues, in the bathroom, with no one around. I don't have spitting contests or some juvenile nonsense like that.
Actor/Actress: uhh, to pant after? Dolph Lundgren *pounces* >^D For acting ability? Sir Ian McKellen, Anthony Hopkins, and Robin Williams (he does a good drama, which he never gets credit for. "Good Will Hunting", anyone?)
Animal: wolves
Month: October
Day: Wednesdays appeal to me.
Cartoon: Anything from 1980-1995, just about. I miss Ren and Stimpy. Badly.
Flower: ROSES I love them they're swell! Orchids are also delightful. And crepe myrtle is the bestest flowering tree ever ever ever!
Shoe Brand: I just discovered Keds *big grins* they're so comfy, mmm
Subject in school: grammar
Person to talk to: All of you. You people are swell.
Body part on the opposite sex: Depends on how he plans to use it, rrrrrrr >^D Seriously? The intellect. If you're stupid, you don't stand a chance. *Watches all men everywhere run away and leave her to die single*
TV show: Star Trek Voyager. DEATH to this "Enterprise" crapola! >=^P
Movie: The Last Unicorn
Holiday: Halloween
Book: "I Never Promised You A Rose Garden" by Joanne Greenberg
Vacationing Spot: ?? I don't "vacation" much. I love the beach in the winter--no one around, just me and the sea ^_^
Thing to do in Spring: allergy meds. Lots and lots and lots of over-the-counter allergy meds.
Thing To Do In The Summer: the OCEAN!! Swim in it look at it get it up my nose ^_^ I love the ocean ^_^
Thing To Do In The Fall: go for walks and pick up pretty leaves, yay! :^D And have mulled wine ;^)
Thing To Do In The Winter: Everything I do in the rest of the year. Winter here is nice and warm *SMUG*.
Perfume or Cologne: to wear? "Boudoir" by Vivienne Westwood ^_^
TV Station: A&E
Model (Male or Female): Sophie whatsername, from the Opium ad awhile back, that's a pretty ad ^_^
Game: Mortal Kombat II. Still.
The CD Player: (Dead Tie) Creed/Michael Jackson/Soundtrack to MKA
Person you talk most on the phone with: my parents' umpteen creditors >_<
Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors? I LOVE reflective surfaces, and I love watching myself in them. Got a problem with that? ^_^
What color is your bedroom? Painted? white. Covered with sci-fi and fantasy posters ^_^
Do you use an alarm clock? Bah! Alarm clocks are for the weak!
Name one thing you are obsessed with: ONE thing? Myself ^_^
Have you ever skinny-dipped with the opposite sex? EEEWWW (Listen, girlies. Guys+cold water=very bad things. And not in a good way.)
Ever sunbathed nude? EEEEK I HATE sunbathing! that is SOOO bad for you! If you mean do I lie around naked, well, depends on who's asking >^D
Window seat or aisle? WINDOW! Especially on planes, get to see the clouds underneath me, that's the best ^_^
What's your sleeping position? On right side, curled up with stuffed toy
What kind of bed do you like? Softer but not too soft. Moderate leaning toward softer.
Even in hot weather do you use a blanket? Uh-huh. I like blankets ^_^
Do you snore? No. Sleep with my mouth open tho'.
Do you sleepwalk? Once. Nearly gave everyone heart attacks =^D
Do you talk in your sleep? No
Do you sleep with a stuffed animals? Yep, a Tribble and a lion :^)
How about with the light on? NO WAY. It must be dark.
Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on? NO. I like quiet also.
What is the nicest thing a guy could do for you? Keep me safe ^_^ Alternatively, showering me with material tokens of affection isn't bad ;^D
What do you look for in a guy? Looks. Then intellect. (What? Like guys aren't all lookist creeps, themselves? =^P)
What is the first thing you notice when you look at a guy? Overall presentation, eyes, and his interaction with others
What do you think of cheating? NOT IN MY HOUSE! *Prepares castration instruments* You will be loyal to me, and only to me, or you will suffer. Have I made myself clear? >=^F
Makeup. Should we have to wear it or not? I can't be fucked to wear makeup, so no. =^D
Female presidents: Should we have them or not? Sure, yeah, bring it on as long as it isn't Janet Reno ^_^
What do you think of Pamela Anderson? Remember kids: it's not her fault she's stupid. Have some pity for the poor creature.
Tell the truth: Did you ever wish you could look like Barbie? I wish I could DRESS like Barbie, some of those gowns they are sooooo pretty...
Coke or Pepsi? DIET COKE, with lemon in it
Oranges or apples? RED GRAPEFRUIT thank you, with sugar
One pillow or two? THREE
Deaf or blind? Blind. I need sound. Same with others.
Pools or hot tubs? Pools all the way :^D
Blondes or brunettes? Does it make a difference if all the other factors line up? I'm thinking no.
Tall or short? Taller than me. That shouldn't be too difficult, eh boys? >^D
TV or radio? TV
Beach or pool? Beach, in winter, at night
Tic-Tacs or Certs? ALTOIDS, damn you!
Snooze button or jump out of bed? I don't have an alarm clock, remember?
Sunrise or Sunset? Sunrise
Hamburger or Cheeseburger? Either/or
Morning or night? Night
Sports or news? News
Bikini or one-piece? One-piece
Indoors or outdoors? outdoors at night, indoors during the day
Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? Day day day! I'm a materialistic little sh*t and I won't pretend otherwise =^D
Cake or ice cream? You mean I can't have cookies? *cries* Okay, cake then.
Spicy or Mild? Either/or.
Spearmint or Peppermint? SPEARMINT! ^_^
Call or Write? E-mail ^_^
Peanut Butter or Jelly? Neither, if I can avoid them.
Hamburger or Hot Dog? Chilli dog, please :^D
Dog or Cat? Cat
Bath or shower? Shower
Book or Movie? Book
Green or Red apples? Red apples
Rain or Snow? Rain
Nike or Adidas? KEDS
Took a shower? Gonna take one after this quiz
Watched Bambi: when I was six *shrug*
Cried? Yesterday. None of your business, thank you.
Talked on the phone? 3 days ago, some stupid infomercial survey thing
Read a book? Yesterday afternoon, leafed through JRRT's The Simarillion. Deadly boring, except for the bits about Elrond ;^D
Punched someone? About a year ago, hit my sparring-partner by accident. I don't get into many fights.
Where do you see yourself in ten years? None of your business
Who are you going to be married to? Hopefully someone *shrug* it's not like a "do or die" situation, just something I'd like
How many kids? Two. Boy and girl. You can't change my mind so just bite your tongue > =^P
Your profession: Some deskjob *shrug*
Future School: At almost 30? I hope no more schooling by then RoFLMAO
Car of Your Dreams: Mercedes SL450, failing that, a refurbished 60's minibus
I wanna live: Right here. Florida's where everyone else comes to vacation, it's like vacationing year-round. I'm spoiled that way ^_^