Going Somewhere, Solo?
These Aren't The Droids You're Looking For
I feel okay, I suppose. I can't stand being yelled at. Yelling of any sort brings out a raw, primal, adrenaline-coursing response that leaves me so hyped-up my teeth chatter. You want to see me freak out? Sneak up behind me and shout in my ear. Then get out a spatula and calmly scrape me off the ceiling. ;^D For real. I hate it when people yell, ugh. *Sits and quivers at the thought of being yelled at* =^P
Oddly enough, I'm not scared of fighting, of hitting. Wanna play? Bring it on, Jack, I'll break your nose. And your arms and your legs and your worthless skull >=^F But a yelling-match *crumples up and shivers*...that's another story.
And why should the rest of you care? Let's paraphrase
The Wedding Singer: I have a weblog, and you don't. So you will listen to every goddamn word I have to say! ^_~`
Or you will skip them, as it suits you--that's your right as the audience. ;^D
Some mildly entertaining webtest results:

Your magical style is Magus.
What type of Magic do you work?. Take the Magical Style Quiz by Paradox
And the flower one since it was cute ^_^
Oooh, also: gonna go rent
Sleeping Beauty tomorrow. The only Disney movie I don't have (the Betamax broke years ago from endless viewings *cry sob*). Dunno, just wanted to see Aurora and Phillip and the three bickering faeries again--aren't their names Flora, Fauna and...Merryweather (sp?)?
Lunchtime ^_^ Potatoes and turkey ^_^
*Hustles off to eat lunch* Buh-bye :^)
[Had to fix an html tag, LoL ;^D]