Thoughts For The Day
All The Right Places
Y'all remember my houseguest?
The same woman just apologized to me, extensively, and handed me a job.
For what, I'm not at liberty to say--I could actually get fired if I tell you--but suffice it to say, it's rather nice.
Knock me over with a feather. Or pinch me or something.
Well, maybe not pinch me ^^; Hugs, instead?
Anyhow: college. On my mind a lot lately.
I want college to be like Real Genius. Let's face it, it's not. Maybe if I had more similar-minded contemporaries in my own state who were going, and who I actually liked and/or cared about, who were going, I'd have some reason to go. As it stands, I'd pay a lot of money to hang out with total strangers and breeze through lessons that statistics have PROVED I already know.
Shall I say it once more? I did not get the highest level of the most honored scholarship in the state by being stupid ;^D
I dunno, though: it is good for one more year, and within that year I'll most likely have the money to go if I so choose...
Time will tell us all, I guess. I wonder what it'll say? ^_-
From the horoscope:
Capricorn: December 22 - January 19
Research yields a resource that has been at your fingertips all along. Smack your head with a resounding 'duh' at the discovery and move on. The idea of a global currency suddenly makes a great deal of sense as your notion of the world is suddenly growing larger and more aware. Knowledge and understanding put you in a happy mood, and a moment of eureka is worth a day's research. Connecting with others in your field will help get the job done faster and cleaner. Keep yourself focused and grounded until the moment of truth.
The cosmos know all, RoFl! ^_^
Dunno about global currency *shrug* I'm NOT a mathematically-inclined person as it is.
Socially, it sounds good on paper. We'll wait and see how it actually works.
Besides, I thought folks in the UK liked being richer than us bloody colonials. *Ducks smackage from Jaz's general direction* ;^)
Saw Buffy! ^_^ "Doomed". Funniest damn thing EVER.
Xander (comprehending): You--you tried to STAKE yourself?
Poor Spike, LoL. Felt sad for him and yet couldn't stop giggling.
Oh. Read "Discomfiture and Discontent", as well. It's umm, good. *Hasn't really enough Spike knowledge.* Regardless, it was quite--"entertaining" isn't the proper word for angst, is it? Affective. (As in affecting a person, not as in effective which is the same as efficient. There I go, making up tenses again ;^) )
Combination hand-wringer and punch to the gut with a bit of lost love thrown in. Nice :^)
Although I don't know how others realized it was Spike fic, unless you put the disclaimer at the top before showing it to them...Seriously, I couldn't tell. It might wobble a lot without its backbone, but it would stand. Especially if you shaded stuff in here and there with your own inventions.
Anyway. Gotta run, it's late. Bye then ^_-