Friday, September 06, 2002

Thoughts For The Day

All The Right Places

Y'all remember my houseguest?
The same woman just apologized to me, extensively, and handed me a job.
For what, I'm not at liberty to say--I could actually get fired if I tell you--but suffice it to say, it's rather nice.

Knock me over with a feather. Or pinch me or something.

Well, maybe not pinch me ^^; Hugs, instead?

Anyhow: college. On my mind a lot lately.

I want college to be like Real Genius. Let's face it, it's not. Maybe if I had more similar-minded contemporaries in my own state who were going, and who I actually liked and/or cared about, who were going, I'd have some reason to go. As it stands, I'd pay a lot of money to hang out with total strangers and breeze through lessons that statistics have PROVED I already know.

Shall I say it once more? I did not get the highest level of the most honored scholarship in the state by being stupid ;^D

I dunno, though: it is good for one more year, and within that year I'll most likely have the money to go if I so choose...

Time will tell us all, I guess. I wonder what it'll say? ^_-

From the horoscope:

Capricorn: December 22 - January 19
Research yields a resource that has been at your fingertips all along. Smack your head with a resounding 'duh' at the discovery and move on. The idea of a global currency suddenly makes a great deal of sense as your notion of the world is suddenly growing larger and more aware. Knowledge and understanding put you in a happy mood, and a moment of eureka is worth a day's research. Connecting with others in your field will help get the job done faster and cleaner. Keep yourself focused and grounded until the moment of truth.

The cosmos know all, RoFl! ^_^

Dunno about global currency *shrug* I'm NOT a mathematically-inclined person as it is.

Socially, it sounds good on paper. We'll wait and see how it actually works.

Besides, I thought folks in the UK liked being richer than us bloody colonials. *Ducks smackage from Jaz's general direction* ;^)

Saw Buffy! ^_^ "Doomed". Funniest damn thing EVER.

Xander (comprehending): You--you tried to STAKE yourself?

Poor Spike, LoL. Felt sad for him and yet couldn't stop giggling.

Oh. Read "Discomfiture and Discontent", as well. It's umm, good. *Hasn't really enough Spike knowledge.* Regardless, it was quite--"entertaining" isn't the proper word for angst, is it? Affective. (As in affecting a person, not as in effective which is the same as efficient. There I go, making up tenses again ;^) )

Combination hand-wringer and punch to the gut with a bit of lost love thrown in. Nice :^)

Although I don't know how others realized it was Spike fic, unless you put the disclaimer at the top before showing it to them...Seriously, I couldn't tell. It might wobble a lot without its backbone, but it would stand. Especially if you shaded stuff in here and there with your own inventions.

Anyway. Gotta run, it's late. Bye then ^_-

Wednesday, September 04, 2002

This Is For You

Yeah You

If you don't mind NStink paraphrasing. The sentiment is there. Excuse me for being a trendy fumbling dork. I do mean the best for you.

Maybe that's why
Every little thing I do
Never seems enough for you
You don't wanna lose it again
But I'm not like them

This I promise you...

Lookin' For A Soul To Steal

Run Boys, Run

Note: This entry is a composite of the 3rd and 4th

Fun fact: I need a male attachment. Any volunteers? >^D

Aww, come on. I don't bite. Hard ;^D

Anyway. This post originally had a point? Well, no, but whatever. It's a good morning.
Here's an equation for you: Weird Al + Ren and Stimpy x Traci Lords over Utah Saints = Tuesday Morning at my desktop. ^_^

Look out honey
Ain't got time ain't no apology
Look out look out look out honey
I'm usin' technology

As they used to say, "put the needle on the record, put the needle on the record and DANCE!"

What's UP ORLAAAAANDO?!? *Bounce bounce wave hands*

Ooooh, Rob Zombie. Hot Rod Herman version ^_^ Killer stuff. Very well suited to Baraka:

Dead I am the one
Exterminatin', son
Slippin' through the trees
Strangled in the breeze

That's him, time-and-a-half. Did I mention he hates Kitana, but he's working for her anyway? That's gotta be rough.

Don't fret, it'll all make sense later ;^p If I ever get a chance to work on it.

The latest holdup: stepdad has decided he's going to juggle information through the drives so that we can empty and reformat C:/ .

Nice enough idea, except that he can't remember which drive is which, owing to the fact that he more or less "built" the damn computer and can't remember what he did >_<

That's an ex-white hat for you. Why can't we have a Dell like everybody else? *Whine whine bitch whine bitch bitch piss and moan*.

Huh. Maybe I am a spoiled brat ^_- To which I say: so what? It works for me. If you have a problem with it, speak now or forever shut the f*ck up. *Smiles beatifically*.

I was having these totally irrelevant thoughts about Kitana:

I used to like Kitana, once upon a time. She used to be a genuinely interesting character, equal parts Princess Leia and Michelle Yeoh, my personal version looking eerily like Carrie-Ann Moss (in like '94, so don't EVEN get all over me about The Matrix =^P). And I've always loved tessen, the war-fans, graceful steel death hiding the smile of a noblewoman.

And then she turned Latina and started dating Liu Kang. *As Cordelia* Gag much?

She went from "assassin asskicker royal babe" to "Liu Kang's girl". Doesn't anyone else see what's wrong with this picture?

So I killed Liu and cut her off from all support in either Realm, and made her start over at zero.

Or more or less at zero. As I said, Baraka and company are going to lend her a hand--at least until they get rid of Shinnok ;^)


Me so naughty. Me listening to evil music.

No I don't mean metal. No I don't mean country-western. I mean something much worse.


You got that somethin', what can I do?

Well we didn't light it but we're trying to fight it ;^P

Verdict? Slick production.

Nice hooks. Fantastic hooks, Jeebus Goz Holy Heck I LOVE the hooks ^_^

Crazy, bum bum BA BUM!

That part. Not her. Just the bass going bum bum BA BUM! At the end of a verse. That's GORGEOUS *gush gush gush* ^_^

Ooh, an Instrumental *downloads it* There we go, got rid of her shrieky nightmare voice ^_-
Hey, they play a XYLOPHONE in here! COOL! *Boing boing do that new teeny dance move I saw last week*.

Beware teaching me any new trix...

You remind me of a real short story
One hit record and you start to bore me
Get ready cause this is it
Your crew is through
And we too legit 2 quit!

Well, maybe not NEW trix, RoFl ^_^

Too legit too legit to quit
(Burn it up)
Too legit too legit to quit
(Too legit!)
Too legit too legit to quit
(To quit!)
Too legit too legit to quit

*Makes an ass of herself imitating MC Hammer with dead-on precision.*

And why should I be ashamed?

I don't CARE what anybody says! It's Hammer Time, Sucka! ^_^

Pointless rant:

Owing to my enormous lack of social standing, I had all afternoon after school with nothing to do (other than homework) but watch Michael Jackson videos and Soul Train reruns, and mimic them endlessly. Others had the hot clothes and the flash in the pan, but they had no figures and they wore out quickly. Two, three songs, and they'd drop like flies. By the age of nine, I was a 32B dancin' machine, plus I could lip sync like nobody's business. I was up to seven rap tunes back to back, at one point.

None of which took me up the social ladder. Proof that da skillz do not a playa make ;^D

She's a maniac, maniac on the floor

SING IT! ^_-


Got the perfect answer to the college question:

I don't need no education
Stupid conversation
For the things I wanna do

THANK you, French Affair ;^D

See ya, peeps--my brain's a bit stoned on all the audio junkfood I've been feeding it LoL ;^p