Friday, January 04, 2002

In Which Doc Wishes Me A Verrrrry Happy Birthday ;^)

You may have noticed the strange images taking up residence in my sidebar ;^)

Say hello to Kiko, and Doc, my two fave Galaxy Rangers =^) Kiko is the resident pyschic/snow queen, and Doc is the computer specialist and current object of hormonal interest (mmMMmmmm...) If you think that's bad, bear in mind that most of the show's female fans are obsessed with *gag choke* Goose. What can be said about Goose? He's big, he's blonde, and he's named after that loser from Top Gun. *Yawn*.

Uh, yeah. It's my birthday, and stuff. Happy nineteenth to me :^)

*Mental images involving Doc, much lackage of clothing, and an abundance of birthday cake*

Thursday, January 03, 2002

In Which I Gloat Mercilessly

I knew it I knew it I knew it!

The Galaxy Rangers ARE NOT a hallucination! They're NOT a nightmare! They're NOT an acid dream! (Well, no acid dream of mine , anyway; the same probably couldn't be said of the series' writers ;^) )

They are a REAL functioning, defunct cartoon series from 1986!

NO GUTS, NO GLORY. They do exist! Yee-haw and boy-howdy and all that other stereotypical Southern crap! ;^)

The woman of light who haunts my dreams is none other than one Kiko Dal'Ariel, Galaxy Ranger, Experimental, Division V. The archetype I've been chasing for ages--a cartoon character. Now I feel all embarrassed and geekish and stuff.

But still, I'm right! I'M RIGHT! THEY EXIST! WOOOO!! *Slam dances like a maniac*

PS Doc rox my sox and if you snicker, I'll belt you one with an iridium blaster! Hehehehe ;^)

~Jheti the Demented, Productus Reaganomicus Infantico (Child of the 1980's)

Tuesday, January 01, 2002

First Entry For 2002, In Which Things Begin Looking Up

Yes, that's right, the New Year's Errata and Updates:

ITEM: The lead singer of La Bouche (Melanie Thornton) was 35 at the time of her death; circumstances since revealed to be a plane crash over Switzerland.

ITEM: Hok'ta is a Nomadic concept (read: I made it up) and it has nothing whatsoever to do with the Navajo. (Just now realized I had left that open-ended.)

ITEM: This spring, Peter Pan (and more importantly, Tinker Bell) will return to the big screen with Peter Pan II: Return To NeverLand which will be, interestingly enough, the first of Disney's armada of sequels that is NOT direct to video...

ITEM: If I hustle, my stuff might be among some of Tyger's first updates for the New Year.

Now that those are out of the way:

I dreamed about Captain EO. (No, not like that--is everything about sex? Oh, we can only hope so ;^P) Which is because I've laid the groundwork for some Captain EO fiction. First, of course, will come the original script in a novel-esque treatment. That ought to take me a good long while, given the other projects I'm commited to--I'm in it up to the hilt, at the moment. Anyhow what's planned next on that front are the origins of Mon Capitan, last citizen of Melodica, a planet where music was magic and "power-chords" had a completely different meaning...
Last Entry For 2001, In Which I Throw a Hissyfit and Cry In My Beer

Assumptions. Those are what I hate most of all. Like the Marines say, "every ASSUMPTION has an ASS in it."

The "Emperor" has made a string of assumptions about his "trusted daughter" which may prove very, very painful for him.

Shall I let you in on my litte joke? Very well.

I'm "Mileena". I've been "Mileena" for awhile now. I dunno how that started, but Jaz picked up on it and now I've got John K. himself (author of the megalithic "Final Confrontations" series) calling me "Mil". So it seems to be taking on a life of its own. Oh, and BTW, in case the word "megalithic" doesn't actually exist, it's a compliment, meaning "grand in scale and/or depth; epic." Anyway.

If I'm "Mileena", you ought to be able to guess who "Shao Kahn" might be...

His newest contention with me is the issue of work.

It's quite simple, really: I do not hold a job. He is no longer financing child-support because, as you may or may not have noticed, I am not a child anymore. I am currently costing my mother (and I quote) "quite a bit" of money every month. And, therefore, by his reasoning, I should have a job, in order to buy my own food, pay one-quarter of the rent, and finance my own "costs", (I'm assuming cable, Internet, video rentals, etc.) He's told me this, more than once, with all certainty in his own mind that I will, like my namesake, leap to do his bidding. And so I told him I would.

However, like my namesake, I do not always mean what I say. (Read: I lied. I laid it on thicker than a politician in election year.)

Is that cruel? I don't think so, but I'm sure you might. You don't know him, after all. Ask me about him, sometime. The answers will surprise you.

I am frustrated, as well. Circumstances have kept me from talking to my friends for roughly two weeks now, off and on. Which I hate. I love to be near them and know what they're thinking and trade wisecracks and stories for hours at a time. An Ubergeek's confessional: excepting Tenchi, I do not have one single off-the-Web friend. Hordes of associates, yes. People who wish I'd be their friend, yes. People who just want a listening ear to gripe to--Saints and Spirits! I have an unending parade of those! >=^P

People, in general, are in awe of me, or threatened by me. Others judge my age in terms of my height (SHORT), and mistake me for a developed twelve-year-old. But they're not my friends. I haven't had somebody, non-Web, who just wanted to be friends since I was fourteen. I'll be nineteen in less than 72 hours.

Five years is a long time to be lonely...

There. Behold the official death knell of the Old Year. I wash my hands of it.
