Saturday, July 20, 2002

Ass In A Sling

That's What I Am

The waters seem to be muddied again. I let them get that way, so I guess it's my own damn fault. Not like I'm mad or anything, but this needs to be addressed. Read, Dawn: I need to talk to you. Yes, you. So email me already, you know my address ;^P

Okay, now that I'm done with the inside-posting: life is good. Too much caffiene, but then, without caffiene I'd have no personality whatsoever.

Lookie, drug-test: (external spelling and grammar corrected, sorta)

You're a must for the all night rave! Exciting company, you make people feel sexy, sensual and generally ecstatic. You make people feel close and at one with each other, but can also make them nauseaous and anxious.If you spend alot of time with someone they tend to hallucinate, lose sight of things and feel like they're getting carried away with you. When you spend way too much time with people you fuck up their brain, heart and liver. However, after spending a whopping wonderful night with you (with me, the Prude From Hell, riiiight =^P) , the next day people get depressed thinking of you and how much they miss you. They get sick and dont want to eat, they can't sleep, they feel sore in their muscles and can't concentrate for very long. They dream of when they will spend an exhilarating time with you again on the dance floor at the very next rave party. Fortunately for people, the more they see of you the more they realise how bad you are and eventually they don't see much of you anymore.

Find Out If You Were A Drug, What You Would Be!

quiz by ravenritings

People eventually realize that I love you, I'll kill you? NO COMMENT RoFl ^_^

I'm bad for you, really I am, run while you still can, run like the wind and don't come back! But you WILL be back, bwa-hahahahaha! No one can stay away from me for long, I make sure of it >^D *Ahem*

Okay. That was--creepy. And truer than I care to admit. *Shrug*. Btw: the other results were consistent with it, being meth and crystal meth. I fit in that "I'll kill myself and you, but OH, the fun we'll have in the meantime" category.

Which brings us to another entertaining round of What's Your Chosen Suicide? I always wondered what it would be like to leap off a very tall building. It must be like flying, until you hit bottom. "Wheeeee!.....*SPLAT*" ;^D

Nyohah got her drivers' license! *Bounce bounce, much fanfare, rolls out red carpet, etc.* Knew you could do it, darlin' ^_^

My own conundrum? I have a learner's permit, which means it's illegal for me to drive at night. We have only one car. Stepdad works ALL friggin' day long. Guess what he uses to get to work? Umm, the car? Which means it's dark by the time he gets home. Unless I want to get up at the crack of dawn (which I don't), I may never get in enough practice to pass the stupid test. >_<

*As the teen from E.T.* (Frustrated wail) : "And we're gonna get arrested, and they're NEVER gonna give me my license!"

Uhh, yeah, not to rain on her victory. You go, girlie =^D

Later, peeps: things to do :^)

Sunday, July 14, 2002

Get This Party Started

Gay Weathermen Are People, Too!

Hehehehehe, figured the subheader would catch your attention ^_~ And now that I have your attention, a bit of my horoscope:

Always keep in mind that progress is an empty victory without the hands that turn the wheel. Turn off the meter and turn on the charm. It's time to let everyone who helped make this a success have a little fun.

Whee! Come on folks, let's party! ^_^ Does there have to be a reason? Hell no! Although I do have one: Captain EO! Thanks to Arcturus Procyon and a little miracle known as Kazaa, I have the center-reel version, widescreen, in color ^_^ The only things missing are the opening narration and the credits, but hey, you can't have everything, or at least not for free. *Bounce bounce wave hands to the music*. Yaaaay!

I'm inspired to do something with this, but it needs to wait, I think. Mileena's in a reticent mood. Doesn't want to tell me jack. And everytime I get her and Tanya together, they sit down and CHAT! I mean they have DRINKS together, for Pete's sake! That's not how it ought to go. They should be ripping each other apart, not playing tea-party. *Sigh, head-in-hands, bang forehead on the desk*. Ah well, I might let them run with the scene, see what happens. Tanya keeps ribbing Leena about what went on leading up to her death--I don't think that will go very well ^_~

Yes, yes it's true, I'm still sitting back here at the opening scene to Part II. Yes, I'm aware that it's been almost a year. Like I said, Mileena doesn't want to tell me jack ;^P Btw, Jaz: I'm probably going to use that free-for-all suggestion of yours a bit later on--Leena is likely to encounter plenty of morons with the central conceit that warfare is "men's business". (That ought to tell you what I think of the treatment of ladies in my own country's military ;^D)

On that subject: I fail to see why the government does not solve the co-habitation problem of voyages and suchlike by creating an all-female unit. (It would take care of the het problems right quick, at least. Other rights-issues could then be summarily dealt with. There again, gay men have had plenty of provisos made for them. *Fume rant grrrrrr.*) It's not that I dislike what we have now, it's just that this is such a brain-numbingly obvious alternative that I can't believe the folks in Washington haven't suggested it yet. Or maybe they're scared of giving lethal weapons to a bunch of femmes on the rag >^D

Okay, enough politics, back to Captain EO. Rudimentary ideas--see that? *Pointing at her secondary imood-name*. Say hello to my Mary Sue, Jolani Sunchaser. Be afraid, be very afraid. >^D The idea being that the Captain himself is one of the last survivors from a planet where music is power. Ever wonder where they're headed when the ship blasts off at the end? Shall we find out? ;^D

This is of course after I handle all my other commitments *sigh*. One of you will be happy to know that the fifth part of "Mirrorworld" is about an eighth of the way done (it's the middle part of the tale, and as such will be one of the longest.)

Before I go, a test result:

Night of Noctilica
You are Noctilica. You are crazy, cute, and come with lots of accessories. You also have the most inexplicable packaging ever, with generous doses of Engrish and nonsense throughout. Both of your color versions are great, and your character design is well-thought-out, making you one of the best in the series.
Which Monstress are you?