Friday, September 27, 2002

And The Sky Is Grey

Boredom, Weekend and Not Enough Writing

Let's see--garage sales were a bust.
Parents are bickering again.
My head hurts.

At least I got myself a new sig.

I might be back later with more interesting things to say, hopefully.

*Bounces out*

Thursday, September 26, 2002

Sitdown Standup

A Performance For a Friend

*Strums guitar*

You don't know how you took it
You just know what you've got
Oh Lordy you've been stealin'
From the thieves and you got caught
In the headlights
Of a stretch car (oh)
You're a star

You don't know how you got here
You just know you want out
Believing in yourself
Almost as much as you doubt

Oh don't be shy
There's a crowd to cry, love...

Had to learn a song for school. Played that, hit mainly wrong notes, made up for being left-handed by totally going for the gusto. Got a C minus while I was at it ;^P Had to make up for it later by playing the Ballad of Tom Dooley. My grade didn't go up, but the teacher seemed happier with it.

Of course, it was a private Christian school. I don't think she liked the verse I chose:

They'll take you for Jesus
They'll get down on one knee
But they'll want their money back
If you're alive at thirty-three
And you're turning tricks
With your crucifix
You're a star

No don't be shy
You don't have to deny love
Hold me, thrill me, kiss me, kill me

I stopped just short of a parent-teacher conference ^_-

But did you know
That when it snows
My eyes become large
And the light that you shine
Can't be seen

Thank you, Seal ;^p

I dunno, I just love the Batman Forever soundtrack. It's my favorite moodiness CD. You can put it on and just brood, daydreaming about granite castles in the winter rain, and lost loves and cursed princes and whatnot.

You have to sleep late when you can
And all your bad days will end

*Bows* There you are ^_^

Monday, September 23, 2002

He Should Not Propose To Walk In Darkness

Who Has Not Seen The Nightfall

To paraphrase the almighty Elrond ^_-

I feel so much better ^_^
My body finally stopped aching and settled for a generalized stabbing pain in my shoulder-to-neck muscles, which I happen to know was caused only by my exuberance at the Matrix last weekend ;^)

Aches are gone, yay! ^_^

Thank you. And you and you and you. For putting up with me (even in instances where you may not have been aware that you did so >;^) ). You people are swell :^D Told you I'd get back to you as soon as things were halfway like normal ;^D

Incidentally, IM works now :^D Which Couz, and two of you, now know. It works, bwa-hahaha! Albeit not well ;^p Although I doubt that was strictly my fault: others had trouble with Messenger, too, because as we all know it's Microsoft.

I like Microsoft. Insofar as I use almost everything they or their affiliates produce, and thus by my own foolhardy consent allow the corporate machine to feed on my soul.

Like it's really so terrible?
Compared to, say, the AIDS/ebola/cholera/gods know what else pandemics in Africa?
Or the eternal unrest of the Mideast?
Or the fact that yes, it's true, Elrond and Legolas make a cute and endearing couple?

*Warbles along*

Put me down for a whole lot of excess
Give me credit, I'll find ways of paying

Showtunes >^D "Evita" >^D

I like that one, actually. The whole thing. Even the Madonna version. ^_^ (Which, IMO, was not even an eighth as bad as people said it was.)

Oooh, competition. Actual intellectual competition. *Tingles* I feel all fuzzy and warm inside ^_^

*Hugs spontaneously* So above it all. My, how very Ambassador Sarek of you. Umm, I meant that in a good way :^D

Me? I'm a minor Klingon delegate >^D

Or T'Pau, when sufficiently angry. BEWARE the crusty old Vulcan priestess ^_-

Nah, I haven't been that upset in a long time. Trust me folks, you'll know if you've made a wrong step with me. The temperature will drop. And then I will, quite calmly, verbally hack you off at the knees, kick your head loose from your body, and retrieve your tongue to polish my boots.
Figuratively speaking, of course.

Especially considering I don't own any boots. q'pla, gentlemen! q'pla! (Klingonese battle-phrase, I think it means "onward" or something similar :^) )

Notes on above metaphors for the Trek challenged:

Ambassador Sarek = Mr. Spock's father. Calculating, regal, and usually right.

T'Pau = Vulcan priestess who presided over Spock's maturity ritual, and later annulment of his marriage as well. Cold enough to boil water. Dry ice, anyone?

Klingons = leading with the glands/emotions. Life is a game, play hard >^D

Yes, I read Vulcan's Forge. Almost as soon as I got it, in point of fact. Umm. Anything more rational to say, now that I've revealed my geek roots? Not particularly.

How about: things are going better than I thought? As usual. :^D

And also: recently rediscovered my obsession with one Pamela Isley, Poison Ivy of Batman fame. Running around gathering up pretty pictures of her for use in the Forest of Madness. Wanting more content for that as well, and kicking around the idea of cleaning up some of the html. I just noticed that I left a few things dangling and that it looks icky.

I'm in an autumnal sort of mood, too. Blame the sunlight--it filtered blue-tone and gold, delicious copper-gold, into my room this morning. Beautiful ^_^

Of course, now I'm absolutely twitching to find a pile of leaves to jump into, which I won't get until at least January, because of the Floridian climate. Stupid climate *grumble gripe*.

I'll go look at piccies of autumn leaves instead, cheer myself up that way :^)

"Fairest of Them All" revealed another secret to me this morning, though this one wasn't as much of a shock.

I also saw bits of "Hannibal" last night. Boring *YAWN*.

That's about it on my front. See ya, peeps ^_^

Sunday, September 22, 2002

I Laugh In The Face of Danger

And Then I Hide Until It Goes Away

Fun fact: I can't get time on the computer to save my life.

You: need to talk much? Not IM, computer's f*cked and Messenger's just one more thing about it that I can't make work. Which is where I've been "hiding" for the last several weeks. I'm off the map because I can't get through, not because I'm avoiding anybody.

And you: Yes, I KNOW how long it's been since I told you anything. Give me a break. How in hell am I supposed to get things done if the comp keeps eating my files?

And You: Nobody's forcing you to play along, stop acting like I'm holding a goddamn gun to your head, will you?

And YOU: is the phrase "good taste" just not in your vocabulary? Honestly >_<

Although, to be fair, it is a mess of my own making. Or, to use UT-Speak: Darkslayer killed her own dumb self.

Whatever, I'll go play in my sandbox by myself. I don't have to be around any of you people. So stop being so f*cking proprietary with me or I'll leave you all out in the f*cking cold, got it?

Stay away. *Wraps arms around self, showing fangs.* Beat it, all of you.

They'll kick you, they'll beat you and they'll tell you it's fair
So beat it
(But you wanna be bad)

Grrr. *Fends them all off.*

Actually, in parallel, my realtime life is going surprisingly well.

Got into *ta-da!* The Matrix. Which is THE new club. Dancefloor's still springy, even ^_^

Everybody's freakin' as I'm comin' up fast
I'll be burnin' rubber
You'll be kissin' my ass

Hey, I LIKE Pink! Once again, So There >^P

Went well enough. Danced, suffered injury in my scarred lung, danced a little more, and got hit on by some geeks who claimed they were with MTV.

Nice try, geeks. They were pretty cute, though ^_- One of 'em wore a shirt which said "Fcuk Hyea" ;^p

Which is about how I feel, depending on how you choose to transpose the letters.

I swear I'll get back to you, to all of you, but I will do it on my watch. You're going to have to have patience. ^_-

Later, peeps. Assuming any of you are still talking to me.