Monday, September 03, 2007

What I Tell Myself

Things I was/am/could be working on include: Envy/Greed and the Magical Wank of Healing, Mileena/Baraka with no real context or point (ficlets one and two), Baraka/Leena/Greed crossover threesome for the epic win.

I actually finished the Harry Potter one sentence fics. I just can't remember what file they're hiding in.


Thursday, August 16, 2007

Ha Ha.

I Lied.

*Blinks in the general direction of Blogger's shiny new TOS.*

Maybe I won't repost fic. Hell. I still like this journal and plan on keeping it; maybe I'll 'live' here while I go away to Adult College or something. Right now I'm messing with a head cold and I'm about to go yell at uni tech support.

I really like the look of this layout. It's very sleek and calming. I'm going to go ogle the template code and see if I can't get my paid-for journal to be this awesome.

For the record: I hate the bus. As in, city transit, mass transit, real live adults ride it to real live work. I hate it with a seething and hatredous passion.

That's my fun new saying. "With a seething and hatredous passion."

However, comma, I am positive that "hatredous" is not in fact valid Standard Usage English. Beware.


Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Fits and Starts

I had a Blogger long before I had a LiveJournal.

This represents an attempt to both express and redress some majorly unpleasant vibes. That is, to keep fic in a drawer where 6A doesn't own the keys to the cabinet, but I still have some content control and suchlike.

And this color scheme is pretty. Not as unflinchingly awesome as my last, but hell, it's been four years.

I'm trying things out. "Labels" seem to be "tags", so I may go back and "tag" things to see how that works out.

Labels: ,

Thursday, December 18, 2003

Umm, Duh? >_<

What Is This "Forest" You Speak Of?

New journal is HERE.

I shall be QUEEN of the Lemmings! I said JUMP, damnit! Over the cliff now, hurry hurry, hurry scurry, fast as you can! ^_~

Wishing all a happy holiday season, especially a wonderful person I haven't heard from in awhile.

Sorry I haven't been around ^^;

Almost Famous

Close, But No Banana

Actually, no. I'm packing up the other two journals and moving them over, since an LJ is what I wanted in the first freakin' place, well over two years ago.

Yeah yeah, I'm following the crowd. I don't care *smiles prettily.*

I know this journal in particular has an archive transfer option, but that's for bringing someone else's files over to here. Have to poke around. If all else fails I'll get ahold of the ones I really really want to keep using my two friends: Select All and Copy. (A couple of dreams and things. I don't know. The years of brain detritus that I've gathered. I'm sort of attached to it. *sigh*.)

I'm here at the office; I'll see about email since unfortunately the floppy disk I had with "Dusk" on it is making this awful grinding noise and causing error messages all over the place...

*Addresses the floppy in her best Darth Vader voice* You have failed me for the last time.

No worries, it's also on the HD at home :^)

Did I mention? Company Christmas party. NICE restaurant. Free drinks. And me in my seethru shirt with the roses.

Gotta hop onto the school's Atlas system, set up a short term loan. Among other fun things.

What? What? No I'm not telling you my VID number >^D

Later on, peeps.

Monday, December 15, 2003

Oh, Look, It Doesn't Have A Title

You May Fire At Will

Real quick: lyrics. (The bolding trick, like many good ideas, is all Amy's doing.)

I ain't never seen baby scared...

She got a motorcade, she got a monorail
Goin' coast to coast on the campaign trail
Playin' decks of cards in an armored car
She got kung-fu stars as a body guard...

She's got a miracle she doesn't want at all

She's got everything set from A to Z,
She got it all down tight, she got nothin wrong,
She's got the whole wide world singin' baby's song

--Fluke, "Atom Bomb"
